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Ucs. abbr.stresses
gen. Бессознательное (сокращение от unconscious anjou)
UCS abbr.
comp. система координат пользователя
comp., MS кодировка UCS (An international standard character set reference that is part of the Unicode standard. The most widely held existing version of the UCS standard is UCS-2, which specifies 16-bit character values currently accepted and recognized for use to encode most of the world's languages)
comp., net. объединённая система обслуживания кредитных карточек; универсальная коммуникационная система
construct. прочность при одноосном сжатии (MichaelBurov)
progr. универсальный набор символов (сокр. от Universal Character Set ssn)
 English thesaurus
UCS abbr.
abbr. Unit Coordinate System; Units Of Crack Susceptibility; Uniform Chromaticity Scale; Union of Concerned Scientists; UNITED CERTIFICATION SERVICE (nastyxa); Universal multiple-octet coded Character Set (ISO, IEC, DIS 10646, Unicode); Universal Classification System; Universal Communications Standards; University College School (Vosoni); user control storage; uniform chromaticness subspace
abbr., avia. Unified Computing System; Utilities Control System (ВосьМой); uniform code system; unmanned control system
abbr., biol. unconditioned stimulus
abbr., comp. universe character set
abbr., comp., IT Universal Classification Standard
abbr., comp., net. United Card Service; universal communication system
abbr., comp., net., IT Uniform Communication Standard
abbr., construct. unconfined compressive strength (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed., scient. University Computing Services
abbr., el. Ultraclean Society; ultraclean system; uniform chromaticness scale; unitized channel storage; universal call sequence; universal call simulator; universal card service; uplink control system; user coordination system; utility command set
abbr., el., scient. Universal Component System
abbr., fert. urea calcium sulphate (lexicographer)
abbr., file.ext. Unicode Conversion Support
abbr., IT Unicode Character Set; Unicode Coding Scheme; Universal Character Set; Universal Classification Standard Database File; universal character set (Bricker)
abbr., math., scient. User Coordinate System
abbr., med. Unconditioned Stimulus; Ultimate Compressive Strength; Uterine Compression Syndrome
abbr., mil. Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set; Unified Command Suite; UAS Control Segment
abbr., O&G, sakh. unified command system
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. unit control system
abbr., oil Ukrainian crystalline shield; ultra selective cracking; underwater cable system; underwater communication system; uniaxial compressive strength; uniform colour scale; unit cell size; unsealed compression strength
abbr., physiol., med. Unconditioned stimulus
abbr., progr. Universal Character Set (универсальный набор символов ssn)
abbr., scottish Underwater Combat System; Unified Communications System (UK DERA programme)
abbr., sport. Ultimate Collector Series
abbr., transp. Universal Canopy System
comp. universal communications system
energ.ind. user charge system
O&G, abbr. unconfined compressive strength test (Leonid Dzhepko)
physiol., med. Unconscious
tech. underwater communications system; united computing systems; universal card scanner; universal command system; universal control system
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects
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