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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
uni ['juːnɪ-] nstresses
amer. полицейский (в форме; short for "uniform policeman" Taras)
cook. уни – съедобная часть морского ежа sea urchin – от японского "oo-nee" (sushifaq.com mika1713)
vulg. уни (ZlobniyLisenok)
unis n
police.jarg. копы (от uniformed police officers, uniforms; Am.E. Taras); полицейские (от uniformed police officers, uniforms; Am.E. Taras)
Uni ['juːnɪ-] n
myth. этрусск. Уни (богиня-покровительница царской власти)
UNIS abbr.
Gruzovik, polit. Информационная служба ООН (United Nations Information Service)
UNIs abbr.
telecom. интерфейсы UNI (oleg.vigodsky)
 English thesaurus
Uni. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. university
unis. abbr.
abbr. unison
UNIS abbr.
abbr., busin. Univac Industrial System
abbr., earth.sc. underwater television and inspection system
abbr., mil., avia. unified information system
abbr., nautic., scient. Unmanned Nautical Informational Submersible
abbr., tradem. Union Nationale Inter Syndicale
abbr., UN United Nations Information Service; United Nations International School
Nasdaq Uniservice Corporation
: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
Dental implantology1
Mass media2