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UB [ˌjuːbiː'fɔːtɪ] abbr.stresses
abbr. г. Улан-Батор (столица Монголии denghu)
build.struct. двутавровая балка (Universal Beam (PSN) Steblyanskiy)
sport. разновысокие брусья
ub [ˌjuːbiː'fɔːtɪ] abbr.
pulp.n.paper под корой (under bark Харламов)
 English thesaurus
UB [ˌjuːbiː'fɔːtɪ] abbr.
abbr. Ultimate Babysitter; Uncle Bin; Universal Bellows; Universal Bulkhead; U Bastard; underwater battery; University of Birmingham
abbr., auto. under body
abbr., avia. usage block; utility bus; unit bond; Myanma Airways
abbr., belar. Ural Branch (igisheva)
abbr., bot. underbark
abbr., commer. Union of Burma; United Bank, Ltd.
abbr., ed., scient. University Of Buffalo
abbr., el. unformatted binary; user bits
abbr., file.ext. Music file (Unsigned Byte)
abbr., IT Music file; Unsigned Byte
abbr., law The Universal Brotherhood; Upper Body
abbr., math., scient. Upper Bounds
abbr., mil. Uniform Bill
abbr., mil., WMD undistributed budget
abbr., oil unibus buffer; unipolar-bipolar conversion; upper byte; user board
abbr., phys., scient. Upper Bound
abbr., progr., IT Universal Binary
abbr., relig. United Brethren
abbr., soil. ultrabasic rock
abbr., space Upravlyayemaya Bomba
abbr., st.exch. UnionBanCal Corporation
abbr., tradem. Ungermann Bass; United Boards; Universal Banner; Universal Beam
ub [ˌjuːbiː'fɔːtɪ] abbr.
abbr., oil unbound
: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
Oil and gas6
Research and development1