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TAF abbr.stresses
abbr. Технологическая академия Финляндии (Technology Academy Finland, TAF valambir)
avia. Terminal aerodrome forecast – прогноз погоды по аэродрому (pilotvitalik)
Gruzovik, mil. тактическая воздушная армия (Tactical Air Force)
O&G, sakh. Разрешение на поездку (Travel authorization form kerosin)
pharma. тенофовира алафенамид (elena.sklyarova1985)
polym. Thin anodic film-тонкая анодная плёнка (Ума Турман)
railw. Телематические приложения для грузоперевозок (ilghiz)
 English thesaurus
TaF abbr.
abbr. Taktische Forderung (Staff target (Germany))
abbr., med. T amplifying factor
TAF abbr.
abbr. Top-of-Active-Fuel; Trading Application Framework; term auction facility (Alexander Matytsin); Tactical Air Forces; Terminal Access Facility; Third Air Force; Time and Frequency; trim after forming
abbr., agric. terramycin animal formula
abbr., anim.husb. toxoid-antitoxin floccule
abbr., automat. torque amplification factor (ssn)
abbr., avia. Taforaoui, Oran, Algeria; aerodrome forecast; Traffic Analysis and Forecasting; temporary aviation facilities; terminal forecast; tolerance and fit
abbr., chem. triacrylformal
abbr., earth.sc. The Asia Foundation
abbr., el. target address field; telecine analysis film; transaction facility
abbr., genet. TBP-associated factor
abbr., inet. Talked About Factor; Tell A Friend
abbr., IT Transparent Application Failover; terminal adaptation function
abbr., lab.eq. TBP Associated Factor
abbr., med. Tracheobronchial Aspiration Fluid; Tumor Angiogenesis Factor; tenofovir alafenamide (IanKollis); tumor-associated fibroblast (Altuntash); tuberculin albumose-free; thombin activatable fibronolysis inhibitor; T-cell activating factor; toxoid-antitoxin floccules; trypsin-aldehyde-fuchsin; tumor angiogenic factor
abbr., meteorol. Tuberculin Albumose Frei albumose-free tuberculin
abbr., mil. Tactical Air Force
abbr., physiol., med. Tbp Associated Factor
abbr., railw. Telematic Application for Freight (http://uic.org/spip.php?article1121, http://uic.org/spip.php?mot3473 ilghiz)
abbr., scient. Terminal Aerodrome Forecast
abbr., scottish Turkish Air Force; Turkish Armed Forces
abbr., space thermal acoustic fatigue
abbr., sport. Tiger Athletic Foundation
abbr., st.exch. trading activity fee (Баян)
abbr., tech. tactical Air Force
abbr., transp. Terminal Area Forecast
energ.ind. top of active fuel
meteorol., scient. Aerodrome Forecast
mil. tactical air force; tactical airlift force; task analysis form; terminal aerodrome forecast; theater air force; training aids facility
taf. abbr.
hydrol. tons of dissolved solids per acrofoot of water