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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
Tx nstresses
media. радиопередатчик
TX abbr.
gen. ПРД (Yeldar Azanbayev)
med. пересадка печени (принятое сокращение для обозначения liver transplantation second opinion); Ткс (olga don); тромбоксан (SvetPo)
Tx abbr.
comp., net. передатчик (MichaelBurov); оптоэлектронное устройство для преобразования электрического сигнала в оптический (MichaelBurov)
med. лечение (inspirado)
tx abbr.
abbr. транзакция (англ. термин взят из кн.: Ottinger J.B., Minter D., Linwood J. Beginning Hibernate. – Apress, 2014. – 223 р. Alex_Odeychuk)
SAP. налог
 English thesaurus
Tx abbr.
abbr., sport. transmit
TX abbr.
abbr. Technology Exploitation; telex; Toilet Exhaust; Torque Transmitter; transmission; transmit; text section
abbr., busin. taxation; text; transistor
abbr., cardiol. thromboxane (Игорь_2006)
abbr., chem. triethylamine
abbr., commun. terminal exchange
abbr., el. telegraph exchange; terminal executive; transfer executor; transit exchange
abbr., el., scient. Terminator X
abbr., file.ext. Compressed TXT File
abbr., HF.electr. transmit/transmitter
abbr., IT Photoline5 Help File; Telex
abbr., math., scient. Temporary X
abbr., med. No Evidence Of Primary Tumor (TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) Classification); The Time Of X's; Triton Х-100
abbr., media. Transmission
abbr., mil. Transmit
abbr., mil., avia. telemetry transmitter
abbr., pharm. tamoxifen
abbr., physiol., med. Traction; Transplant
abbr., polit. Turkmenistan
abbr., polym. triethylamine xylidine
abbr., refrig. thermostatic expansion
abbr., scottish Transmitter / Transmission; Texas (US state)
abbr., st.exch. Texaco, Inc.
abbr., textile Texture X
mil. transmitter
physiol., med. Treatment
tech. transit channel
USA Texas
TX_ abbr.
abbr., IT Compressed TXT File
TX$ abbr.
abbr., IT Driver Modem Bitware Disk4 File
Tx abbr.
abbr. transaction; therapy (Vosoni); fiber transmitter (MichaelBurov); fibre transmitter (MichaelBurov); optic fiber transmitter (MichaelBurov); optic fibre transmitter (MichaelBurov); optic transmitter (MichaelBurov); optical fiber transmitter (MichaelBurov); optical fibre transmitter (MichaelBurov); optical transmitter (MichaelBurov); transplantation (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., med. treatment
law tax; taxes
polygr. Transparent (yana100)
tx abbr.
gen. medical treatment (In Medical shorthand i.e. "therapeutics" Alex Krayevsky)
abbr. axial thickness
insur. Taxe
tx. abbr.
abbr., econ. taxation
Tx. abbr.
abbr. tax
: 69 phrases in 10 subjects
Computer networks1
Mass media1
SAP finance1
Security systems3
Textile industry3