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twp abbr.stresses
gen. пос. (AF Alexander Demidov)
twp. abbr.
gen. местечко (сокр. см. township Taras)
 English thesaurus
TWP abbr.
abbr. Technical White Paper; The Warrior Princess; The Wildlands Project; Trees, Water, and People
abbr., avia. Torwood, Queensland, Australia; technical work program; tag with part; technological work plan
abbr., cartogr. tank; telegraph; telephone
abbr., earth.sc. Technical Drilling Well Project
abbr., el. traveling wave phototube; twisted wire pair
abbr., media. The Washington Post
abbr., mil., avia. township
abbr., nautic., scient. Tap Water Purification; Tropical Western Pacific
abbr., progr., IT Thai Word Processor
abbr., radio travelling-wave phototube
NYSE., st.exch. Trex, Inc.
tech. traveling-wave phototube
twp abbr.
gen. township (местечко; район (часть округа Taras)
USA township
twp. abbr.
gen. township (местечко; район (часть округа Taras)
abbr., earth.sc. township
Twp abbr.
O&G, sakh.a. township (Alexander Demidov)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Information technology1