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TSC abbr.stresses
abbr. термоструктурные композиты (Thermostructural Composites mxti)
comp., MS счётчик метки времени
concr. бетон двухэтапной укладки (Two-Stage concrete Oleksandr Spirin); тонкостенная железобетонная оболочка (Thin Shell Concrete Oleksandr Spirin)
FBI. Центр выявления террористов (Alex_Odeychuk)
med. комплекс туберозного склероза (сокращ. от tuberous sclerosis complex white_canary)
nucl.phys., дозим. термостимулированный ток
O&G ТПК – Технический подкомитет (Technical subcommittee INT); соглашение о предоставлении технических услуг (sergeantz)
transp. система стабилизации при езде с прицепом (Yeldar Azanbayev)
дозим. термически стимулированный ток
tsc abbr.
astronaut. стартовый код трансмиттера
 English thesaurus
TSC abbr.
abbr. Time Stamp Counter; Toilet Seat Cover; True Stranded Costs; Tshwa; Tactical Support Company; Thermally Stimulated Currents; Top Secret Club; Top Secret Control; Triage Station Controller; TROJAN Switching Center; Troop Support Command; Trans Sodium Crocetinate (coltuclu); transmission subsystem component; Training Standards Committee (kee46); two subcarrier system; totally-self check; turbine sequence control; turbine starting control; time-sharing control task
abbr., agric. Tractor Sales Corporation
abbr., auto. trailer sway control
abbr., avia. Time Since Check (Elena-LS); tape speed compensation; tape station conversion; tooling status check; touch sensitive control; transportation safety committee; transportation system center; troubleshooting chart; Technical Systems Centre; terminal services charge
abbr., chem. thiosemicarbazide
abbr., clin.trial. Total Symptoms Score (elenaph)
abbr., commun. trunking system control
abbr., comp., IT Telecom Signaling Card
abbr., earth.sc. thermal stimulated current
abbr., econ. time sheet cost
abbr., ed., scient. Taggart Student Center
abbr., el. time sharing control (task); television standard converter; test session controller; three state control; time series chart; time-sharing circuit; time slot code; TLN switch controller; TL speech-path control; Tohoku Semiconductor Corp.; totally self-checking; total system cost; transit switching center; transmission surveillance center; transmitting switch control; true space-charge region; trunk switch controller; two subcarrier (system); total solid content; total solids content
abbr., el., scient. Thermally Stimulated Current
abbr., electr.eng. thermally stimulated current; thyristor switched capacitors
abbr., IT Test System Controller; Triton System Component; Triton System Controller; telecommunication subsystem controller; transmitter start code
abbr., law sign a contract (Dina_ZR)
abbr., life.sc. thymic stromal cell
abbr., logist. Terminal Security Charge
abbr., med. tuberous sclerosis complex (white_canary); Tuberous sclerosis complex; thiosemicarbozide; total static compliance
abbr., media. The Space Channel
abbr., met. thin slab caster
abbr., mil. Training Support Center; Trojan Switching Center; Technical Support Center; Theater Surface Combatant; Total Ship Computer (system); theater security cooperation; theater support command; theater sustainment command (Army)
abbr., nautic., scient. Transportation Systems Center
abbr., nucl.phys. TS conductivity
abbr., oil thermal stable cutter; trichloromethane sulfonyl chloride
abbr., physiol., med. Thermal Shock Chamber; Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
abbr., polym. thermally stimulated creep; thermal stress cracking; total solids concentration
abbr., product. total annual stocking cost (алешаBG)
abbr., progr. training sequence (ssn)
abbr., railw. Track Section Cabin
abbr., relig. Texas Soul Clinic
abbr., scottish Tactical Support Centre; Total Ship Computing; Transport Support Command; Triple Store Carrier
abbr., space tactical satellite communication; Tanegashima Space Centre; thermal surface coating; transportable satellite communication
abbr., sport. Tactical Strength Challenge; Texas Ski Council; Tuscaloosa Sailing Club
abbr., tech. thyristor switched capacitor; technical safety check (Katejkin)
abbr., textile total safety control; Textile Society of Canada
abbr., tradem. The Service Center; The Service Company; Tractor Supply Company
abbr., transp. Transportable Storage Canister; Two Stroke Cycle
AMEX., abbr. Stephan Company
AMEX., st.exch. Stephan Company
energ.ind. test shipping cask; three-stage combustion; toxic substances coordinator; two-stage combustion
met. thin slab casting (МНЛЗ: Although thin slab casting (TSC) is already a commercial technique, this technique is discussed here because experience with TSC in integrated steel mills is still small. researchgate.net lexnag)
mil. tactical satellite communications; tactical support center; target selection confusion; technical subcommittee; terminal service company; test steering committee; test support controller; total system control; training support center
mil., abbr. tactical satellite communications; tactical support center; target selection confusion; technical subcommittee; terminal service company; test steering committee; test support controller; total system control; training support center
tech. target signature classification; telephone signaling converter; television scan converter; test set computer; thermally stimulated conductivity; time sharing control task; total soluble cations; totally self-checking system; transportable communications system; twisted smectic c-phase
Tsc abbr.
abbr. temperature, standard conditions
abbr., oil temperature, standard conditions
: 3 phrases in 1 subject
Nuclear physics3