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TPT abbr.stresses
abbr. транспорт (transport ZakharovStepan)
comp., MS одна таблица на тип (A method of modeling a type hierarchy in a database that uses multiple tables with one-to-one relationships to model the various types)
med. Превентивное лечение туберкулёза (TB Preventive Treatment pepfarsolutions.org Задорожний)
 English thesaurus
TPT abbr.
abbr. Tax on Prior Transfers; Technology Planning Tool; Tobacco Products Tax; Trailer Park Trash; tappet; Tedlar Polyester Tedlar (композитная пленка, используемая в качестве защитного слоя при изготовлении солнечных модулей gangsta); tetraphenyl tetrazolium; triphenylmethane triisocyanate; triphenyl-s-triazine
abbr., auto. throttle position transducer (Chrysler)
abbr., avia. Tapete, Liberia; temperature and pressure transducer; temporary program table; training planning team
abbr., busin. transportation
abbr., chem. tetraisopropyl titanate; trimethylol propane trimethacrylate
abbr., earth.sc. tidal port; total-probability theorem
abbr., el. test planning tool; thermal phase tracker; throughput time; transient program table
abbr., el., scient. Twisted Pair Transceiver
abbr., hemat. thromboplastin time (igisheva)
abbr., law The Perfect Theft
abbr., med. Total Protein Tuberculin; typhoid-paratyphoid vaccine
abbr., media. The Physics Teacher; Twin Cities Public Television
abbr., mil. Toilet Paper Test; Troop Proficiency Trainer; target-practice with tracer; tactical petroleum terminal
abbr., mil., avia. tail pipe temperature
abbr., oil temperature and pressure transmitter; total producing time
abbr., pharm. topotecan
abbr., polym. tetraisopropyltitanate
abbr., scottish Target Projectile Training round
abbr., sport. The Perfect Team
abbr., st.exch. Tappit Resources, Ltd.
abbr., tech. tail pipe temperature
abbr., tradem. Tlce Power Technology; Triple Point Technology, Inc.
account. tax on prior transfers
mil. test pilot training; transport
tech. time priority table; twisted-pair transceiver
Tpt abbr.
abbr. transport
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