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TOC abbr.stresses
abbr. ССА (суммарное содержание антиоксидантов; total antioxidant capacity Victor_G); ООУ (total organic carbon – общий органический углерод shergilov)
cards Турнир чемпионов Tournament of Champions. (Andy)
comp., MS оглавление (The listing of contents at the beginning of a document or file)
comp., net. оглавление; таблица содержания; таблица содержимого
dril. Верхняя граница цементного моста (Yeldar Azanbayev)
econ. ТОС (MichaelBurov); теория ограничения систем (MichaelBurov); теория ограничения (MichaelBurov)
electr.eng. перегрузка по току с выдержкой времени (time overcurrent Aurinko13)
energ.syst. ампер-секундная характеристика элемента максимальной токовой защиты с выдержкой времени (time-overcurrent curve Mixer)
Gruzovik, econ. общая стоимость выполнения заказа (total ordering cost)
Gruzovik, mil. центр управления боевыми действиями США (Tactical Operations Center)
int.transport. тропик Рака (ilyas_levashov); Северный тропик (он же тропик Рака ilyas_levashov)
logist. выполнение требований технической инструкции
Makarov. общий органический углерод
mil. ТОЦ (Tactical Operation Center; тактический оперативный центр WiseSnake); ЦУБД (центр управления боевыми действиями (ЦУБД) tactical operations center (TOC) – английский термин для обозначения элемента командного пункта. Киселев)
O&G верхняя граница цементного кольца (top of cement); туэ (MichaelBurov); тонн угольного эквивалента (MichaelBurov); тонн в угольном эквиваленте (MichaelBurov); тонн у.э. (MichaelBurov); суммарный органический углерод (MichaelBurov); суммарное содержание органического углерода (MichaelBurov)
O&G, tengiz. общее содержание органических углеводородов (Yeldar Azanbayev)
oil верх цементной колонны; кровля цемента (в скважине); общее содержание органического углерода (total organic carbon simonov)
railw. ж / д компания (train operating company)
 English thesaurus
TOC abbr.
abbr. Tin Over Cardboard; Total Ownership Cost; Terror Of Cats; The Obliteration Committee; Time Out Of Class; Total Optical Color; total ordering cost; Treaty Operations Center; Typically Out Of Control; television operating centre
abbr., archit., scient. Top Of Casing
abbr., auto. transmission oil cooler
abbr., avia. top of climb; control transfer; Technical Operations Coordinator; technical order change; television operations center; time of climb; time operations center; tool order change; QR Qatar Airways
abbr., busin. temporary duty certificate; total online production system
abbr., commer. Task Order Contract
abbr., comp.name. Thai Oil Co.; Thai Olefins Co.
abbr., earth.sc. tables on contents; total organic component; total organics concentrations
abbr., ecol. total organic carbon
abbr., econ. taking-over certificate (Пахно Е.А.); theory of constraint (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed., scient. Time Out of Class
abbr., el. total oxidizable carbon (content); technical operating center; technique operation center; telemetry output channel; television operation center; time of coincidence; type of call; typer output controller
abbr., foreig.aff. transnational organised crime
abbr., IT total order cost
abbr., math., scient. Theory Of Constraints
abbr., med. Test Of Cure; test-of-cure (bel_linguist)
abbr., media. The Omnipotent Critic
abbr., met. top-blown oxygen converter
abbr., mil. Table Of Contents; Tactical Operations Center; Technical Order Compliance; Transfer Of Control; Transportation Operating Command; Test Observation Center; tactical operations center; tanker airlift control center TALCE operations center; timing operations center
abbr., mil., WMD Transfers of Custody
abbr., O&G tons coal equivalent (MichaelBurov); tons of coal equivalent (MichaelBurov); top of cement (MichaelBurov); total organic carbon (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. cement level; cement top
abbr., O&G. tech. Tag Open Cup (DAKK)
abbr., oil top of casing; top of concrete; total oxygen control; top of cement (andrushin); tag on cement; thin oil column; tool orbital clamp; total organic content
abbr., pharma. test-of-cure (Rada0414)
abbr., polym. target optimization control
abbr., railw. Consolidated Rail Corporation
abbr., space tactical operation center; target-optimization control; time of crash; time out circuit
abbr., sport. Tagliabue Open Cup; Tournament Of Champions; Tournaments Of Champions
abbr., st.exch. Thermo Optek Corporation
abbr., tradem. Train Operating Company
comp. time-of-coincidence
construct. taking over certificate (Пахно Е.А.)
ecol., abbr. total organic carbon
mil. technical order compliance; test operations center; test operations change; theater of operations command; theater of operations commander; total operating cost; transfer of control; travel order card; troop operations center; turn-on command
tech. television operating center; top of core
toc abbr.
abbr. table of contents; ton of coal equivalent
dril. top of the cement
: 10 phrases in 9 subjects
Aluminium industry1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas1
Oil and gas technology1