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abbreviation | noun | to phrases
SCO abbr.stresses
bus.styl. ОПРЗ-объект с поверхностным радиоактивным загрязнением (surface contaminated object Iryna_mudra)
chem. селективное каталитическое окисление (selective catalytic oxidation mangoo)
commer. касса самообслуживания (self checkout markaron); мягкое корпоративное предложение (Soft Corparate Offer – для начала переговоров в международной торговле, стороны обмениваются документами, которые определяют предмет и условия переговоров. Если первым выходит с предложением продавец — он направляет SCO или FCO (полное корпоративное предложение) souzconsalt.com Dominator_Salvator)
comp., MS синхронный с установлением соединения (Pertaining to a Bluetooth data link type which is a symmetrical, circuit-switched, point-to-point connection between a master device and a subordinate device, primarily used for voice traffic)
foreig.aff. Шанхайская организация сотрудничества (Shanghay Cooperation Organization SWexler)
int. law. ШОС (The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Шанхайская Организация Сотрудничества Стас78)
int.transport. статус безопасности грузоотправления, который означает, что груз безопасен для полностью грузовых и полностью почтовых воздушных судов (авианакладная Yuriy83)
O&G синтетическая нефть (MichaelBurov); синтетическая сырая нефть (MichaelBurov)
sco abbr.
oil синтетическая нефть (synthetic crude oil; Жидкие углеводороды, ​получаемые в результате облагораживания и термохимической переработки​(гидрогенизации, пиролиза и т.п.) Угля, лигнита, торфа, природного ​битума и горючих сланцев melentev)
 English thesaurus
Sco n
astr. Scorpion (MichaelBurov)
SCO abbr.
abbr. Scots; Senior Commercial Officer; Shell of a Computer Organization; Slimy Crude Operations; Soft Copy Only; Special Communication Organization; Special Company Order; Sun Collaborative Opportunity; Service Cryptologic Organizations; Society of Commissioned Officers; Stupid Covert Ops; Sub-Control Office; Swiss Code of Obligations (Slawjanka); The Santa Cruz Operation; Santa Cruz Operation Inc.
abbr., AI. Synchronous Connection Oriented link
abbr., anat. subcommissural organ (iwona)
abbr., auto. speed control on/off
abbr., avia. section controller; section control; single channel operation; start checkout
abbr., bank. construction (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem., scient. Super Charged Oxygen
abbr., comp.name. Shanghai Cooperation-Organization
abbr., dipl. Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Шанхайская Организация Сотрудничества Violet)
abbr., earth.sc. Scotland; set time counter; soil capacity over flow
abbr., el. synchronous connect-oriented (link); select character orientation; single crystal orthoferrite; superconducting oscillator; system checkout computer
abbr., file.ext. Santa Cruz Operation (Software Company); Synchronous Connection-Oriented (link)
abbr., fin. Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
abbr., IT Score - best results; Sharable Content Object; Synchronous Connection Oriented
abbr., math., scient. Single Crossing Over
abbr., med. Sociedad Colombiana De Ortodoncia; Society for Contemporary Ophthalmology; Society for Cryo-Ophthalmology
abbr., mil. Strategic Capabilities Office (in Pentagon Val_Ships); secondary control officer; security cooperation organization; senior contracting official; state coordinating officer
abbr., mil., air.def. synchronous connection-oriented link
abbr., mil., avia. scientific officer
abbr., O&G syncrude (MichaelBurov); synthetic crude oil (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. system capacity offline (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil shot continuation operator; structural composite overwrap
abbr., optometr. Southern College of Optometry
abbr., physiol., med. Skin Care Options
abbr., progr. sharable content object (ssn)
abbr., scient. Seasonal Climate Outlook
abbr., silic. subcritical crack growth
abbr., space signal communication order; space control officer; sustainer engine cut-off
abbr., sport. Comite Olimpico de Scotland
abbr., st.exch. Scor S. A.
abbr., telecom. synchronous connection
abbr., tradem. Santa Cruz Operations
airports, avia. Aktau, Kazakstan
energ.ind. safety coordination; senior control operator; surface contaminated object
mil. sales contracting officer; scout; searchlight company; squadron command officer; staff communications office; staff communications officer; statistical control office; statistical control officer
tech. senior control room operator; subcarrier oscillator
Sco. abbr.
abbr. Scott's Common Pleas Reports; Scotland; Scotch
Sco abbr.
lat. Scorpius (the Scorpion, Скорпион Vosoni)
: 5 phrases in 5 subjects
Nuclear and fusion power1