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SAV abbr.stresses
auto. совместно используемый автономный автомобиль (Shared Autonomous Vehicle: Совместно используемый автономный автомобиль будет всегда на ходу ria.ru ИВС)
germ. предохранительный запорный клапан (safety shut-off valve; =Sicherheitsabsperrventil q3mi4)
ocean. сокр. от submerged aquatic vegetation = погруженная водная растительность, подводная растительность (Углов)
polygr. самоклеящаяся виниловая плёнка (chalganova)
PSP выборочные значения (Shmelev Alex)
sav abbr.
Gruzovik, econ. сбережения (сокр. от savings)
 English thesaurus
Sav. abbr.
abbr. Savile's Common Pleas Reports
SAV abbr.
abbr. Savannah / Hilton Head International Airport, Savannah, Georgia USA; Some Assholes Vehicle; State-of-the- Atmosphere Variable; Sucky Ass Vehicle; University of St. Andrews - 7
abbr., astronaut. space-air vehicle
abbr., auto. shot air valve
abbr., avia. starter air valve; supportability analysis verification
abbr., busin. stock at valuation
abbr., el. save; spin angular velocity; start of active video
abbr., file.ext. Save file (Vosoni); Saved backup or configuration data
abbr., IT SAVed Game Situation
abbr., lab.eq. Supplementary Assigned Value
abbr., med. San Angelo Virus; Sequential Atrioventricular (pacing); Sikhote-Alyn Virus; strong avoidance group
abbr., mil. Staff Assistance Visit
abbr., mil., WMD Site Assistance Visit
abbr., nautic. Savannah Ga, U.S.A.
abbr., nautic., scient. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
abbr., scottish Surface Auxiliary Vessel
abbr., space space access vehicle
abbr., tradem. S Anderson Vineyard
abbr., transp. Sport Activity Vehicle
energ.ind. severe accident vulnerabilities
sav abbr.
abbr. savings
slang saveloy see also "fair suck of the sav!"
savs abbr.
abbr. savings
sav. abbr.
abbr., econ. savings
.sav abbr.
file.ext. Saved (file name extension)
Sav: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Security systems1