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Sami abbr.stresses
gen. саами (Alexander Demidov); саам (Lapp – это экзоним, т.е. сами себя саамы "Lapp" не называют junijuli)
geogr. саамы (Gospodi)
Sami' abbr.
relig. ас-Самиг (One the names of Allah, the Hearer); Слышащий
 English thesaurus
SAMI abbr.
abbr., comp., net., IT Synchronized Access Media Interchange; Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange
abbr., ed. Science And Math Initiative; Science And Math Initiatives
abbr., IT SAM Interface
abbr., mil. Surface To Air Missile Interceptor
abbr., mil., avia. single-action maintenance instruction
abbr., mil., industr. Saudi Arabian Military Industries (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia that was established to provide defense products and services in Saudi Arabia and to reduce the country's reliance on foreign purchases of defense products)
abbr., progr., IT San Andreas Mod Installer
abbr., scottish System Acquisition Management Inspection
abbr., st.exch. Socially Acceptable Market Investments
tech. speed of approach measurement indicator
SAMI abbr.
abbr., avia. service access multiplexer interface
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
United Nations1