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SSP abbr.stresses
gen. Solid-State Polycondensation-твёрдофазная поликонденсация (используется в нефтехимических процессах mazurov)
abbr. простой суперфосфат (single superphosphate pelipejchenko)
astronaut. нэп
comp., MS поставщик общих служб (A logical grouping of shared services and their supporting resources)
comp., net. программная обработка сигналов
construct. плита из нержавеющей стали (stainless steel plate Tatjana Angelova)
inet. платформа со стороны предложения (maximrrrr)
IT Партнёр по продажам и обслуживанию (Hewlett-Packard: Sales and Service Partner Santerellina)
math. стационарная вероятность (steady-state probability); план одноступенчатого выборочного контроля (single sampling plan)
nautic. ПОБС (Ship Security Plan; План обеспечения безопасности судна Виктория Алая)
numism. южносуданский фунт (Leonid Dzhepko)
O&G • Сервисная платформа с системой спутниковой навигации (SSP (spherical floating Satellite Service Platform ) Dmitrii G. Coclea); • Сервисная платформа с системой спутниковой навигации (SSP (spherical floating Satellite Service Platform ) Dmitrii G. Coclea)
O&G, tengiz. стратегический план по укомплектованию персоналом (Yeldar Azanbayev); УСО (if SSP is a standard support tier, then it is УСО (унифицированная стойка опоры ) Serik Jumanov)
oil статический потенциал самопроизвольной поляризации (static spontaneus potential)
sol.pow. космическая солнечная энергия (MichaelBurov)
ssp abbr.
biol. Подвид (сокращённо: subsp. или ssp. adlerall)
 English thesaurus
SSP abbr.
abbr. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy; IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing; Shameless Self- Promotion; Society for Scholarly Publishing; Stainless Steel Polished; State Supplemental Payment; E. W. Scripps Company of Ohio CLass A; SACEUR schedule program; Safe Swimming Place; Scheduled Strike Program (NATO); School For Special Purposes; School Safety Software; School Spirit and Pride; Scientific Services Program; Secure Service Provider; Self Stabilizing Protocol; Server To Server Protocol; Shameless Self Promotion; ship speed; Sideways Star Press; Siemens Switching Processor; SIGINT Support Plan; Signalling and Switching Processor; Silent Stick Productions; Silhouette Sport Pistol; Silicon Switch Processor (Cisco); Simple Sphere Packing; Single Stock Point; Single-Shot Probability of Damage; Single-Source Processor; SIOP Support Program; Smalltalk Server Page; Solutions Service Provider; Sorghum Soy Pellets; Spanish Stalinist Program; Spanish Stalinist Programme; Specialty Silicone Products, Inc.; Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh; Standard Printer Port; SteamShovel Press; Structured Support Program; Student Support Program; Stun Sounds Products; Submarine Submarine Personnel (Submarine Transport); Sums of Squares and Products; Super Short Person; Supervisor Mode Stack Pointer (Vosoni); Support Strategies And Planning; Support Strategies Planning; Supreme Power Parts; Switch to Switch Protocol (DLSW, RFC 1795); Switch-to-Switch Protocol; System Security Plan; System Stack Pointer; System Support Program (OS, IBM)
abbr., agric. soluble sodium percentage
abbr., agric., chem. single superphosphate
abbr., agrochem. soluble-sodium percentage
abbr., anat. supraspinatus (Баян)
abbr., auto. Satellite Service Provider (translator911); single side plate
abbr., avia. Safety and System Performance; Site Security Profile; supplier specification plan; significant in-service problems; solid steel planking; system safety plan; system specification; systems safety program
abbr., commun. Static Speed Profile
abbr., comp. single stream processor (MichaelBurov); Secure Simple Pairing (littlebreath); single-streaming processor (MichaelBurov); single-stream processor (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net., IT Synchronous Serial Port
abbr., comp.name. Saudi Steel Pipe Ltd.
abbr., earth.sc. seismic section profiler; semisubmerged platform; shelf subsurface pressure; static self potential; successive simultaneity procedure; suspended solid particles; synthetic subsurface pressures
abbr., ed., scient. Scholarly Societies Project; Summer Science Program
abbr., el. scanning surface photovoltage technique; simple string processor; screen saver program; secure schedule program; secure shell package; self-sustained pulsation; service-specific part; servo signal processor; ship-shore telephone; signaling and switching processor; single step protocol; singular smoothing procedure; software system protocol; solid-state photodiode; solid-state preamplifier; spread spectrum processor; start-stop pattern; storage solution provider; subsystem prohibited; supervisor stack pointer; system service processor; system service provider; system status panel
abbr., el., scient. Solid State Polymerization; Statistical Signal Processing
abbr., file.ext. SAS Transport Datafile
abbr., fin. Statement of Surveillance Priorities
abbr., geophys. static SP
abbr., inet. Sailor Senshi Page; supply-side platform (maximrrrr)
abbr., IT Service Switching Point; Special Service Package; Super Short Print; server software package; service switch point; system service program; Security System Policy
abbr., med. Scottish Society Of Physicians; Société Suisse De Pédiatrie; Sporozoite Surface Protein; slice sensitivity profile (harser); stereotactic surface projection (harser); sliding screw plate (система фиксации позвонка Natalya Rovina); sepsis stewardship program (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. Source Selection Plan; System Support Package; Sound Speed Profile; Strategic Systems Programs; signals intelligence SIGINT support plan
abbr., mil., avia. scouting seaplane
abbr., mil., WMD Site Safety Plan; System Safety Program
abbr., O&G, casp. strategic staffing plan (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sakh. static spontaneous potential
abbr., oil semi-submersible platform; severe service packer; single screen prepack; static spontaneous self-potential; steady state pulse; steam service pressure; subsurface release plugs; surface separation package
abbr., org.name. Staff Selection Panel
abbr., physiol. Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis
abbr., polit. Scottish Socialist Party; Swing State Project
abbr., polym. simultaneous sequence production
abbr., progr., IT Samba Sharing Package
abbr., radiol. Sloped Slab Profile (методика переменного возбуждения вектора намагниченности, уравновешивающая насыщение текущей крови для создания 3D МР-ангиографии. VasDoc)
abbr., scottish Selective Spectral Processor; Single Shot Probability; Stable Sensor Platform; System Security Policy
abbr., sec.sys., IT Security Support Provider
abbr., sol.pow. space solar power (MichaelBurov)
abbr., space scientific subroutine package; signal and switching processor; standard switch panel
abbr., sport. shot saved by defending player
abbr., tech. ship security plan
abbr., tradem. Storage Service Provider; Support Service Provider
abbr., wood. solid state polymerisation
energ.ind. site selection and preparation; staff site positions; supercritical steam parameters
mil. scheduled strike plan; scouting seaplane; selective strike plan; semi-self-propelled; silo support plan; single-shot probability; sonar signal processor; source selection plan; stable semisubmerged platform; standby status panel; strategic systems project; supervisory surveillance program; system support program
oil, abbr. stabilized semi-submersible platform
tech. small-scale parallel; sodium sampling package; solid-state physics; space shuttle program; staff site position; static sodium pot; steady-state pulse; submersible sump pump
ssp abbr.
gen. Statutory Sick Pay (naiva)
abbr., med. subspecies
ssp. abbr.
O&G subspecies
: 11 phrases in 5 subjects
Solar power1