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SCR nstresses
gen. профессорская (Anglophile); лебёдка с цепной трансмиссией (steel catenary riser ARyaposov)
chem. устройство для селективной каталитической обработки хвостовых газов (Karabas)
combust. метод СКВ (MichaelBurov); система СКВ (MichaelBurov)
dril. выход целого керна (Solid Core Recovery Zamatewski)
electr.eng. КТУ (MichaelBurov); триодный тиристор (MichaelBurov); тринистор (MichaelBurov); тиристорный блок (MichaelBurov)
energ.ind. сорго, сахарный тростник, рапс (Sorgo, sugar Cane, Rape kotechek); избирательное каталитическое восстановление (MichaelBurov); выборочная каталитическая редукция (MichaelBurov); селективное каталитическое восстановление (MichaelBurov); селективная каталитическая редукция (MichaelBurov)
house. кремниевый управляемый вентиль
O&G, oilfield. тиристорный преобразователь (Krutov Andrew)
O&G. tech. комплектное тиристорное устройство (КТУ – комплексное тиристорное устройство Olevelaya)
polym. стойкость к растрескиванию (Karabas)
trav. сейшельская рупия (User)
TV тактовые импульсы центрального процессора
scr n
dril. скребок (scratcher)
sport. снят с соревнований (scr stands for scratched Miyer)
SCr n
med. сывороточный креатинин (serum creatinine yegorij)
Scr n
med. креатинин сыворотки крови (сокращение ННатальЯ)
 English thesaurus
SCRS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. strip chart recorder system
abbr., el. single character recognition system
abbr., file.ext. Scalable Cluster of RISC Systems
abbr., org.name. Standing Committee on Research and Statistics; Scientific Committee on Research and Statistics
abbr., space serialized control and reporting system; solar constant reference scale
tech. secondary control rod system
SCR abbr.
abbr. Serbo- Croatian; Star Crest Recipient; Stripchart Recorder; selective catalytic reduction (Sukhopleschenko); scrambler (Yakov); screw; Selective Call Rejection; Selective Catalytic Reaction (CSB); Selective Chopper Radiometer; semiconductor controlled rectifier; Senior Combination Room; short-circuit ratio; silicon controlled rectifier (thyristor Vosoni); steel catenary riser (wikipedia.org LeKopic); subcontractor; Stranded Costs Recovered; Sustained Cell Rate (ATM); System Communication Research
abbr., account. small company rate (of corporate tax)
abbr., auto. storage catalyst reduction; sun screen
abbr., automat. short-circuit rotor; single-cage rotor; station controller
abbr., avia. Slot Clearance Request (Marina_Onishchenko); schedule commitment record; semiconductor control rectifier; spares coordination record; spares coordination request; special certification review; subcontractor configuration review; supplier configuration review; system change record; site certification review
abbr., avia., med. skin conductance response
abbr., chem. stirred cascade reactor
abbr., chem., scient. Selective Catalytic Reduction
abbr., combust. SCR system (MichaelBurov); SCR technology (MichaelBurov); selective catalytic reagent (for abatement of NOx in power station emissions MichaelBurov)
abbr., commun. Station Controller Room
abbr., comp., IT Senior Common Room
abbr., comp., net., IT Send Configure Request
abbr., corp.gov. Security Council resolution
abbr., el. sample control register; scan-and-clock resource; self-consistent renormalization theory; sequence checking routine; serial clock receive; shift count register; signal-to-crosstalk ratio; single channel radio; single channel reception; single character recognition; software correction record; solar corpuscular radiation; source call router; space-charge region; speed change rate; state control register; static card reader; store control register; structural correction range; summary control report; switch control register; synchronous clock receiver; system clock reference
abbr., el., scient. Signal Corps Radio
abbr., electr.eng. semiconductor-controlled rectifier (MichaelBurov); silicon-controlled rectifier (MichaelBurov); three-terminal thyristor (MichaelBurov); trinistor (MichaelBurov); triode thyristor (MichaelBurov); squirrel-cage rotor
abbr., file.ext. Any other screen system (Vosoni); Script file source (TeleMate Vosoni); Windows 3.x Screen saver; Windows screensaver executable (Windows Control Panel Screen Snapshop Vosoni)
abbr., fin. Seychelles Rupee
abbr., fishery Docs Scientific Council Research documents (bimba)
abbr., IT AutoCAD Script; Debug source code file; Fax image; LocoScript Screen font; Screen File; Single Call Ring; sustainable cell rate; Sequence Control Register
abbr., logist. special commodity rate (Yuriy83)
abbr., med. Skin Conductance Response; Sustain Cell Rate; Sustainable Cell Rate; seroconversion rate (частота сероконверсии aksolotle); summary care record (harser); Sanitary Custom-House Regulations
abbr., met. coke strength after reaction with CO2 (Valkiriya)
abbr., mil. Senior Command Representative; Smart Card Reader; Software Change Request; Software Configuration Review; Source Code Review; Senior Civilian Representative
abbr., mil., air.def. signal corp radio and radar
abbr., mil., WMD silicone-controlled rectifier
abbr., nautic. sodium cooled reactor
abbr., O&G short-circuit ratio (Johnny Bravo); silicon controlled rectifiers (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., O&G, casp. state committee on reserves (Yeldar Azanbayev); state commission for reserves (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, oilfield. steel catenary riser (Kenny Gray)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Satellite Control Room
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. selective catalyst reduction
abbr., O&G, sakh. silicon control rectifier control package; silicon control rectifier
abbr., oil slow circulating rate (andrushin)
abbr., phys., scient. Silicon Controlled Rectifier
abbr., physiol., med. Serum Creatinine
abbr., polym. styrene-chloroprene rubber
abbr., rem.sens. selective chopper radiometer
abbr., scottish Section Cross-Reference; Signal-Controlled Rectifier; Single Channel Radio system
abbr., tech. short circuit ratio
abbr., tradem. South Circular Recordings
abbr., transp. Shipboard Census Report
energ.ind. short-circuited rotor
int.transport. specific commodity rate
mil. single-channel reception; Spanish communications region; standard casualty rate; supersonic cruise research; system change request; system control routine
tech. selenium control rectifier; signal conditioner; signal-to-clutter ratio; significant condition report; silicon controlled receiver module; site characterization report; site characterization review; sodium-cooled reactor; structural correlation range
scr abbr.
abbr., busin. scrip; scruple
abbr., mech.eng. screwed
abbr., oil scraper; screening
O&G scratcher; screen
Scr. abbr.
abbr. scratch
scr. abbr.
abbr. scruple
Scr. abbr.
abbr. screening
scr. abbr.
abbr. script; scrop (Vosoni)
Scr. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. screen
scr.. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. screen
SCRs abbr.
abbr., oil steel cone roofs
.scr n
file.ext. Script (file name extension)
: 39 phrases in 13 subjects
Automated equipment2
Combustion gas turbines5
Energy industry10
Nuclear physics1
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas technology1