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SCP abbr.stresses
abbr., cust. СТП (специальные таможенные процедуры, СТП Yuri Tovbin)
chem. потребительские товары со сниженным содержанием химических веществ (verner_rt)
comp. протокол обслуживания сеансов; протокол сеансового уровня сети
dril. селективный пакер с уплотняющими манжетами (Nadezhda_1212)
el.mot. защита от короткого замыкания (Short-Circuit Protection DVKub)
int. law. Программа устойчивых городов (- совместная программа ООН-ХАБИТАТ/ЮНЕП; /(UN-HABITAT/UNEP) Sustainable Cities Programme/ Nazim Kasimov)
mil. СКП (стратегическая компьютерная программа)
nucl.pow. СКД (сверхкритическое давление MichaelBurov)
physiol. МКП (медленные корковые потенциалы MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
SCP abbr.
abbr. Schedule Change Proposal; Secondary Communications Processors; Secure Command Post; Secure Copy Protocol; Security Certified Program; Serial Character Printer; Service Commitment Period; Session Control Protocol; Sheridan Camp Prison; Simple Chess Program; Simulation Control Plan; single cell protein; Single Chip Package; Small Computer Program; small-calibre projectile; Software Change Package; South Caucasus Pipeline (robino); Spiritual Counterfeits Project; Standard Change Package; Standard Configuration Profile (MODEM); Storage Control Program; Stores Control Panel; Street Children's Project; Structure Conduct Performance; Super Compact Penetrating; Surveillance Camera Players; Surveillance Communication Processor; safer consumer products (verner_rt); Synthesis Consulting Partners, Ltd.; System Change Package; System Concept Paper; System Control Panel; System Control Processor (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., agric. single-cell protein
abbr., astronaut. satellite control processor (muzungu)
abbr., auto. Side Collision Prevention (ВВладимир); standard corporate protocol; service component parts; solenoid controlled by power
abbr., avia. supplier change proposal; supplier custom part; SAIC control procedure; SAMC control procedure; sensor control program; software change procedure; specific candle power; special control process; spoiler control package; stabilizer chord plane; status and control panel; subcontractor change proposal; support computer program; system cargo panel; system communication pamphlet; Secondary Control Panel
abbr., busin. scope; semichemical pulp
abbr., clin.trial. Summary of Clinical Pharmacology Studies (Игорь_2006); Summary of Clinical Pharmacy (резюме клинических фармацевтических свойств kat_j)
abbr., commer. Service Cost Position
abbr., comp., net. signal control point
abbr., cust. special customs procedures (специальные таможенные процедуры, СТП Yuri Tovbin)
abbr., dril. selective cup-type packer (Nadezhda_1212)
abbr., earth.sc. scaling cluster of pulses; single-cell proteins
abbr., ecol. Sustainable Consumption & Production (Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., econ. sustainable consumption and production
abbr., el. service control point; plug-on signal conditioning module; SAGE computer program; satellite communications processor; screen condition processor; SCS control panel; secondary cross-connection point; security control processor; semiconductor product; serial communications port; short circuit protection; signaling control point; single chip processor; single circular polarization fiber; single user control program; software change proposal; solar cell panel; spacecraft command processor; spacecraft platform; stacked chips package; standard communications platform; Strategic Computer Program; subscriber call processing; supervisory control printer; supervisory control program; supply chain planning; surveillance communications processor; symbiont control program; system configuration pointer
abbr., file.ext. Save Cursor Position; Script File; Subsystem Control Port; System Control Program
abbr., fin. secondary compensating product; Simplified Clearance Procedure; self-clearing participant
abbr., IT switch control processor; systems control programming
abbr., life.sc. Scientific Communication Platform (ННатальЯ)
abbr., logist. Supply Chain Partnership
abbr., med. Single-celled Protein; Sodium Cellulose Phosphate; Soluble Cytoplasmic Protein; Sterol Carrier Protein; spherical candle-power
abbr., meteorol. Service Class Provider (DICOM harser)
abbr., mil. standard positioning service; Security Cooperation Programme; secure conferencing project; security cooperation plan; service control point
abbr., mil., avia. safety control program
abbr., mil., WMD standards completion program
abbr., multimed. simple control protocol
abbr., nucl.pow. SUP (MichaelBurov); supercritical pressure (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G Samsun–Ceyhan pipeline (MichaelBurov); Samsun–Ceyhan pipeline (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Scope Change Proposal (Sakhalin Energy); station control panel; subcontract coordination plan
abbr., oil seismic cone penetrometer; signal conditioning panel; steam curing process; subsea connection point; surface chamber pressure; symbolic conversion program
abbr., org.name. Sub-Committee on Projects
abbr., physiol. slow cortical potentials (MichaelBurov)
abbr., polym. semi-crystalline polymer (ROAMER)
abbr., psychiat. schizophreniform (ННатальЯ)
abbr., scottish Secure Conferencing Project; Support Center Pacific (USA); Systeme Central de Production (Central production system (France))
abbr., sec.sys. security post (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., securit. self clearing participant
abbr., space spacecraft control processor; spherical candle power; station communications processor; system control programming
abbr., tech. scrap conditioning and processing (http://www.vyso.ru/go/obj0181861420/obj0163321312 EgorNM); Supplier's Current Promise (Date, MatMan dmipec); system command patch
abbr., UN Sustainable Cities Programme (Nazim Kasimov)
AMEX. Scope Industries
chat. slow computer problems
comp. service contral point
Gruzovik, abbr., IT stored configuration profile
Gruzovik, abbr., mil. Strategic Computing Program (МО США; DARPA)
mil. secondary control point; sector command post; security classification procedure; sensor control panel; simulator control panel; small-caliber projectile; stock control point; straggler control point; strategic computing program; supervisor's control panel; supply control point; survey control point; system change proposal
tech. satellite cloud photograph; secondary control panel; security control point; semiconductor protector; serial control port; ship control panel; site characterization plan; space-charge precipitator; standard commissioning program; subnet communications processor
scp abbr.
abbr. scrip; spherical candlepower; script
UK scrip
scp. abbr.
abbr., commer. scrip
abbr., libr. script
Scp abbr.
abbr. scapolite
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects