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SA nstresses
hist. штурмовые отряды ((нем. Sturmabteilung) сокращённо СА, также известны как "коричневорубашечники" – военизированные формирования Национал-социалистической немецкой рабочей партии (НСДАП). Источник: britannica.com TanitaS); штурмовики ((нем. Sturmabteilung) сокращённо СА, также известны как "коричневорубашечники" – военизированные формирования Национал-социалистической немецкой рабочей партии (НСДАП). Источник:: SA, abbreviation of Sturmabteilung (German: “Assault Division”), byname Storm Troopers or Brownshirts, German Sturmtruppen or Braunhemden, in the German Nazi Party, a paramilitary organization whose methods of violent intimidation played a key role in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. britannica.com TanitaS)
O&G, karach. СоУ (Aiduza)
yacht. площадь парусности
sa n
chinese.lang. са (транскрипции по системе Палладия, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков китайского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе ханьюй пиньинь Alex_Odeychuk)
tib. бхуми (ступени, которые проходит бодхисаттва на пути к полному просветлению)
SAS abbr.
gen. компания SAS Institute – разработчик программного обеспечения; институт системного статистического анализа (statistical analysis system institute maxvet)
abbr. осаждение в сверхкритическом антирастворителе (Min$draV)
account. Положения по стандартам аудита (Statements on Auditing Standards)
amer., audit. описание аудиторских стандартов (Statement on Auditing Standards)
auto. высокочувствительный датчик надувной подушки безопасности (Sophisticated Airbag Sensor khoborov.vadym)
avia. система улучшения устойчивости
busin. описание требований к ревизии (Statement on Auditing Standards)
chem. ПАВ (Поверхностно-активное вещество – superficially active substance. shergilov)
econ. ССА; система статистического анализа
energ.syst. система автоматизации подстанции (morrison)
fr. акционерное общество упрощённого типа (4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, comp., net. станция с одинарным подключением (single attached station)
Gruzovik, mil. хранение ядерных боеприпасов (special ammunition storage); складирование ядерных боеприпасов (special ammunition storage); запас специальных боеприпасов (special ammunition stockage); система опечатанных опознавателей распоряжений на применение ядерного оружия (Sealed Authentication System)
hydromech. Масштабируемая вихревая модель турбулентности (Scale-Adaptive Simulation Nikitin-PRO)
IT системное прикладное программное обеспечение; станция с единственным подключением
math. признак СУС (side, angle, side; Если две стороны и угол между ними одного треугольника соответственно конгруэнтны двум сторонам и углу между ними другого треугольника, то такие треугольники конгруэнтны. Подробнее: cyclowiki.org elena.sklyarova1985); статистическая система анализа (SAS)
mil. САС; Специальная авиационная служба
O&G автономный противопесчаный фильтр, автономно-стоящий противопесчаный фильтр (сокр. от stand-alone screen Углов)
O&G, sakh. АСА (seismic amplitude study – анализ сейсмических амплитуд); отдельный песчаный фильтр (способ заканчивания скважин, как альтернатива гравийной набивке sheetikoff); анализ сейсмических амплитуд (seismic amplitude study)
prop.name "САС"
psychiat. Шкала Симпсона-Ангуса для оценки экстрапирамидных побочных эффектов (Анна Ф); шкала Симпсона-Ангуса (шкала для оценки паркинсонических явлений RD3QG)
tech. Supercritical anti-solvent сверхкритический антирастворитель (Пахно Е.А.); система аварийной стабилизации (в области производства погрузчиков Верещагин)
telecom. федеральная система доступа к частотному спектру (Лена55)
 English thesaurus
SA abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. Society of Agronomy (China)
abbr., auto. selenoid; shock absorber; spare; spark advance; special version; sub assembly; swing axle
abbr., genet. splice acceptor
abbr., met. silicon and aluminium
abbr., textile Seventh Avenue
Sa abbr.
abbr. sierra; salt
abbr., earth.sc. sapphirine; sub-angular
abbr., med. O2 oxygen saturation of arterial (oxyhemoglobin)
abbr., oil sanidine
alum. Standards Australia Limited (Standards Australia is the nation's peak non-government Standards organisation. It is charged by the Commonwealth Government to meet Australia's need for contemporary, internationally aligned Standards and related services. Марат Каюмов)
energ.ind. ash sulfur
tech., abbr. samarium; semi anthracite
Sa. abbr.
abbr. Saturday
abbr., earth.sc. serrania
SAs abbr.
abbr., oil stratospheric aerosols
Sat n
insur. Saturday
μSA abbr.
abbr., el. microsystem analyzer
SAS abbr.
abbr. Sasami Appreciation Society; Scandinavian Airline System; Silver Age Sentinels; Statements on Auditing Standards; Statistical Analysis Systems; Sadly Another Submission; Salisbury Air Service, Inc.; Save A Soul; Savings Assortment Satisfaction; Scandinavian Air Lines System; School Assessed Subject; School For Advanced Study; Scummy Arsed Student; single-attached station; security alarm system; sodium aluminium sulfate; sterile aqueous suspension; "Small arms school"; Statements of Auditing Standards; Search And Sort; Secondary Antenna System; Secret Attack Squad; Segment Arrival Storage; Self Assessment System; Semi Annual Statement; Semicolon After Semicolon; Senior Advisory Staff; Service Above Self; Service, Artistry, Skill; Session Active Screen (IBM); Shaft The Arseholes Of Shareholders; Shitty Ass Satellite; Siegfried Advanced System; Signature Authorization Sheet; Simulation Automation System; Simultaneous Analog Stimulation; Single Attachment Station (FDDI); Sissies And Solo; Small Angle Scattering; Small Astronomical Satellite; Software as a Service (SAS, SaaS Yakov); Solar Acquisition Sensor; Sounds Across Seas; Space Activity Suit (Space); Special Airlift Summary; Special Armed Services; Spectrum Apartment Search; Speed Aggression And Surprise; stand-alone screen; Strategic Aerospace Summary; Strategic Area Study; Strength Attitude And Spirit; Stretching Aerobic And Strengthening; Student Assistance Services; Students Association Of Singapore; Stupid Ass Sucker; Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis; Sudden Available Space; Supplier Assessment Survey (Bogdan_Demeshko); Support Amplifier Station; Support to Analyst Subsystem; Survivable Adaptive Systems; System Analysis and Simulation; University of St. Andrews - 6
abbr., account. Statement of Auditing Standards
abbr., auto. seat adjust system; secondary air solenoid; secondary air supply; semi-active air suspension; side auxiliary sensor; Steering Angle Sensor (Sagoto); slow adjust screw; sophisticated air bag sensor; speed adjusting screw; steering assist auxiliary, aided system
abbr., avia. software accomplishment summary; stall avoidance subsystem; station address set; satellite automonitor system; secure analysis system; software application system; standard avionics system; stall avoidance subsystem; static strength approval sheet; supportability analysis summary; system assessment survey
abbr., avia., med. space adaptation syndrome
abbr., BrE School of Air Support; Small Arms School; staff administrative specialist
abbr., busin. system of national accounts; ships' agency service
abbr., chem. secondary alkyl sulfonate
abbr., commun. SS7 Application Server
abbr., comp., net. single attachment station; system application software
abbr., comp., net., IT Single Attach Station
abbr., data.prot. safety alert system (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., earth.sc. Solid-State Array Spectroradiometer; Soviet Academy of Sciences; surface-active substances
abbr., econ. statement on auditing standards
abbr., ed. School Age Services
abbr., ed., scient. School For Advanced Studies; Student Administrative Services
abbr., el. safety analysis system; satellite-aided system; secondary alerting system; secure authentication server; security authentication service; self-adjusting system; self-aligned silicide; self-aligned stripe (array); self-aligned structure; self-approach system; sequenced answer system; sequential access storage; shared access to satellite; software analysis system; solar array structure; sound amplification system; source address space; stacked-amorphous-silicon (emitter contacted diode); storage address stack; subordinate address space; subscriber authorized system; super accuracy simplex; surface analysis system; survivable adaptive system; survival adaptive system; switched access star (network); synthetic aperture system; system address setup; switched access system
abbr., electr.eng. silicon asymmetrical switch; state after switching
abbr., facil. secured airlock system (baloff)
abbr., file.ext. Sales Accounting System; SAS source code file; Single Attached Station
abbr., genet. splice acceptor site
abbr., India Sahibzada Ajit Singh (igisheva)
abbr., IT Serial Attached SCSI; Serial Attached Scsi; serial attached SCSI (Bricker); Single Attached Station; Secure Authentication Services
abbr., law Second Amendment Sisters
abbr., load.equip. System of Active Stability (ВосьМой)
abbr., math. SAS
abbr., math., scient. Side Angle Side
abbr., meteorol. Sarcoma Amplified Sequence; Scientific American Surgery; Sick As Shit; Sleep Apnea Syndrome; Small Aorta Syndrome; Society For Applied Spectroscopy; Space-adaptation Syndrome; scalenus anticus syndrome (ННатальЯ); Self-Administered Standardized Format (Игорь_2006); Starkstein Apathy Scale (Rada0414); subaortic stenosis; sub-assistant surgeon
abbr., mil. Special Air Service; Special Air Services; Special Assault Squad; Sea-Air-Space; Signature Augmentation Subsystem; Signature Augmentation System; Situational Awareness System; Small Astronomy Satellite; Speaker Authentication System; Synthetic Aperture Sonar; sealed authenticator system
abbr., mil., WMD status account system
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. seismic amplitude study
abbr., O&G, sakh. seismic amplitude studyies; standalone screen (способ заканчивания скважин, как альтернатива гравийной набивке sheetikoff)
abbr., oil Surface Acquisition System (Kenny Gray); safety assurance system; Sasol Advanced Synthol (process); SEAK Subsea Equipment Association Limited atmospheric system; secondary alkane sulfonate; Society of Applied Spectroscopy; sodium alkane sulfonate; submersible automatic system; subsea atmospheric system; Symposium on Atomic Spectroscopy
abbr., opt. self-alignment structure
abbr., physiol., med. Short Attention Span
abbr., progr. substation automation system (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Statistical Analysis Software; Statistical Analysis System
abbr., psychiat. Simpson-Angus Scale (шкала для оценки паркинсонических явлений RD3QG)
abbr., scottish Schnellbrucke auf Stutzen (Germany); Second Acoustic Source; Situation Awareness System (US Marine Corps); Smart Armour System (USA); South African Ship; Special Ammunition Site (USA); Systems Acquisition School (USA)
abbr., sec.sys. Safety Alert System (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., space safety access service; Satellite Application Section; satellite automation system; small-angle scattering; solar array system; subscriber authorization system; sun acquisition sensors; surface active substance
abbr., sport. Southern All Stars
abbr., tech. Step and shoot (iwona)
abbr., textile ship's agency service
abbr., tradem. San Antonio Shoes; Scandinavian Airline Systems
abbr., transp. Scandinavian Airlines System
abbr., water.suppl. Soil Absorption System; Solar Aquatic Systems
comp. satellite information service
FBI. Special Agents
law Surround and Shake
mil. satellite attack sensor; sealed authentication system; secondary alarm station; security agency study; selection and appointment system; self-adaptive system; semiautomatic segment; separation assurance system; ship alongside service; signal analysis system; single audio system; small applications satellite; snap action switch; space activity suit; special activities squadron; special ammunition section; special ammunition site; special ammunition stockage; special ammunition storage; stability augmentation system; survival avionics system; system analysis section; system analysis study
physiol. Short arm splint
tech. safeguards and security; safety assessment system; service air system; solar array subsystem; spacecraft antenna system; special advertising section; speech activity simulator; station air system; strong aircraft signature; surface-active substance; suspended array system
SAs abbr.
abbr., securit. separate accounts
sas abbr.
abbr. so and so
: 77 phrases in 26 subjects
Computer networks1
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Military lingo1
Notarial practice2
Nuclear and fusion power1
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