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SA nstresses
hist. штурмовые отряды ((нем. Sturmabteilung) сокращённо СА, также известны как "коричневорубашечники" – военизированные формирования Национал-социалистической немецкой рабочей партии (НСДАП). Источник: britannica.com TanitaS); штурмовики ((нем. Sturmabteilung) сокращённо СА, также известны как "коричневорубашечники" – военизированные формирования Национал-социалистической немецкой рабочей партии (НСДАП). Источник:: SA, abbreviation of Sturmabteilung (German: “Assault Division”), byname Storm Troopers or Brownshirts, German Sturmtruppen or Braunhemden, in the German Nazi Party, a paramilitary organization whose methods of violent intimidation played a key role in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. britannica.com TanitaS)
O&G, karach. СоУ (Aiduza)
yacht. площадь парусности
sa n
chinese.lang. са (транскрипции по системе Палладия, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков китайского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе ханьюй пиньинь Alex_Odeychuk)
tib. бхуми (ступени, которые проходит бодхисаттва на пути к полному просветлению)
SA abbr.
gen. на утверждение; Шведская организация по стандартизации (Swedish Standards Organisation proff2199); социальная ответственность (стандарт SA 8000 "Social Accountability" Aiduza)
airports ситуационная осведомлённость (Put simply, situational awareness (SA) means appreciating all you need to know about what is going on when the full scope of your task – flying, controlling or maintaining an aircraft – is taken into account. More specifically and in the context of complex operational environments, SA is concerned with the person's knowledge of particular task-related events and phenomena. crewshop.ua Oleksandr Spirin)
bank. Закон о ценных бумагах (США, 1933 г.; Securities Act)
comp., MS сопоставление безопасности (A combination of identifiers, which together define Internet Protocol security (IPsec), that protects communication between sender and receiver)
comp., net. адрес отправителя; администратор системы
EBRD с учётом сезонных изменений (Seasonally adjusted war_tiger)
genet. стрептавидин (Alex Lilo)
geogr. Южная Австралия (штат iwona)
geol. Спектральный анализ (Spectral analysis supermaximik)
Gruzovik, scient. полуавтоматический (semiautomatic)
inet. связь безопасности (security association bitbucket.org bojana)
math. анализ систем (systems analysis); самосопряжённый (self-adjoint); сигнатурный анализ (signature analysis); системный подход (systems approach)
med. медсестра хирургического отделения (Artjaazz)
O&G, karach. Соглашение об урегулировании (Aiduza)
oil.proc. СКА (MichaelBurov); сернокислотное алкилирование (MichaelBurov)
ophtalm. Сферическая аберрация (Spherical Aberration Elen302)
tech. стандартная атмосфера (не путать с нормальной атмосферой, атм)
SA-узел abbr.
cardiol. синусовый узел (MichaelBurov); СА-узел (MichaelBurov); С-А узел (MichaelBurov); синусно-предсердный узел (MichaelBurov); узел Кис-Фляка (MichaelBurov); узел Кис-Флака (MichaelBurov); узел Киса-Флека (MichaelBurov); узел Киса-Флака (MichaelBurov); синоатриальный узел Киса-Флака (MichaelBurov); синоатриальный узел (MichaelBurov); естественный водитель ритма (MichaelBurov); естественный водитель ритма сердца (MichaelBurov); СА узел (MichaelBurov); S-A узел (MichaelBurov); синусный узел (MichaelBurov)
sa. abbr.
gen. суббота
 English thesaurus
SA abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. Society of Agronomy (China)
abbr., auto. selenoid; shock absorber; spare; spark advance; special version; sub assembly; swing axle
abbr., genet. splice acceptor
abbr., met. silicon and aluminium
abbr., textile Seventh Avenue
μSA abbr.
abbr., el. microsystem analyzer
Sa abbr.
abbr. sierra; salt
abbr., earth.sc. sapphirine; sub-angular
abbr., med. O2 oxygen saturation of arterial (oxyhemoglobin)
abbr., oil sanidine
alum. Standards Australia Limited (Standards Australia is the nation's peak non-government Standards organisation. It is charged by the Commonwealth Government to meet Australia's need for contemporary, internationally aligned Standards and related services. Марат Каюмов)
energ.ind. ash sulfur
tech., abbr. samarium; semi anthracite
Sa. abbr.
abbr. Saturday
abbr., earth.sc. serrania
Sat n
insur. Saturday
SAs abbr.
abbr., oil stratospheric aerosols
SA abbr.
abbr. smart antenna; source address; stack automaton; Secretary of the Army; Semi-Annual Report; slow acting relay; Société Anonyme (法); Sociedad Anónima (西); Società Anonima (意); South African; South American; Sugar Association; Anonyme (French company designation Alex Lilo); Bureau of South Asian Affairs (US Department of State Alex Lilo); Franciscan Friars of the Atonement (religious order Alex Lilo); fsins (Iceland Alex Lilo); k Atvinnulí (Alex Lilo); nima (Spanish company designation Alex Lilo); Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters; India Alex Lilo); Salerno, Campania (Italian province Alex Lilo); Sales Associate (real estate Alex Lilo); Salta (Argentina province Alex Lilo); Samus Aran (Metroid character Alex Lilo); San Andreas (video game Alex Lilo); Sex Appeal; Subject to Approval; Sanofi Aventis (pharmaceutical company Alex Lilo); Santa Ana (California Alex Lilo); Sarajevo (auto registration for Sarajevo, Bosnia Alex Lilo); Save (assembly language ASM51 assembler control Alex Lilo); Say Again (logging abbreviation Alex Lilo); Scientific-Atlanta (US satellite communications company Alex Lilo); Scouting Association (UK Alex Lilo); Scrambled Americans (video production company Alex Lilo); Services Administrator (IRC operator Alex Lilo); Setup Acknowledge (ITU-T Alex Lilo); Sewickley Academy (Pennsylvania Alex Lilo); sex appeal; sail area; shaft alley; spectrum analyzer; stress anneal; Socié (Alex Lilo); (Alex Lilo); Sachsen (Alex Lilo); Samtö (Alex Lilo); Saskatchewan (Alex Lilo); Say (Alex Lilo); short answer (Alex Lilo); Sanskrit; Saturday; Sexaholics Anonymous (a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to stop lusting and become sexually sober Alex Lilo); Shadow Alliance (gaming clan Alex Lilo); Shareholders Agreement (Leonid Dzhepko); Sheezyart (website Alex Lilo); Short Abstract (abstracting & indexing Alex Lilo); Shredder Afval (Dutch: shredder garbage Alex Lilo); SicherheitsAbteilung (German: Safety Department Alex Lilo); Side Angle (geometry Alex Lilo); Sine Anno (Latin: Without Date Alex Lilo); Single Action (revolver Alex Lilo); Single Aisle (aircraft Alex Lilo); Sir Aaron (Pokemon Alex Lilo); Slowly Adapting Fiber (In Skin Alex Lilo); Sneak Attack (gaming Alex Lilo); Sniper Assist (gaming, Starcraft Alex Lilo); situational awareness (Artjaazz); Stürmabteilung German: stormtroopers; paramilitary organization of Nazi Party (Alex Lilo); South Africa (Vadim Rouminsky); Something Awful (humor webpage Alex Lilo); Son Altesse (French: His/Her Highness Alex Lilo); Sonata Arctica (band Alex Lilo); Sonic Adventure (game Alex Lilo); Source MAC Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI); Source-Active (Cisco Alex Lilo); South African Airways (IATA airline code Alex Lilo); Space Available (airline travel Alex Lilo); Spare Area (CD-MRW, DA); Specialist Association (stock market exchanges Alex Lilo); Spectral Acceleration (seismology Alex Lilo); Spirited Away (Japanese anime movie Alex Lilo); Spring Awakening (musical Alex Lilo); Springfield Massachusetts Armory (closed Alex Lilo); Stabsarzt (German military Alex Lilo); State Annex (department of state building Alex Lilo); Structured Analysis (software engineering Alex Lilo); Sua Altezza (Italian: Her/His Majesty Alex Lilo); Sub-Address (ISDN Alex Lilo); Suffield Academy (Suffield, Connecticut Alex Lilo); Summa (Latin: sum Alex Lilo); Suomen Armeija (Army of Finland Alex Lilo); Superachromat (tele-photo lenses made by Carl Zeiss Alex Lilo); Supply Air (HVAC Alex Lilo); Swansea (postal code for Swansea, Wales Alex Lilo)
abbr., AI. Speaker Adaptation
abbr., amer. Securities Act
abbr., anat. (селезёночная артерия doc090)
abbr., automat. start of action
abbr., avia. single-aisle; status accounting; steering actuator; supportability analysis; system architecture; software assurance; sandstorm; safety alert; safety area; sample assembly; satellite altimeter; satellite artificial; secondary area; section area; sector assignment; self audit; signal access; skin antenna; sonic altimeter; sonic analyzer; spares assembly; speaker amplifier; standard anemometer; standard approach; statistical analysis; strategic attack; stress analysis; studies and analysis; surface to air; surface aviation weather report; surface observations; surveillance approach; sweepback angle; synthetic aperture; system administration; system audit
abbr., BrE service adviser
abbr., busin. safeguard agreement; savings account; scientific approach; semi annual; South America; Spare Anchor; specialized agency; store automation; subject to acceptance; subject to average; such as; sum assured; systematic analysis
abbr., chem. stearamide
abbr., colloid.chem. surfactant (igisheva)
abbr., comp., net. security association
abbr., corp.gov. service agreement
abbr., cryptogr. systems analyst
abbr., desert. sector address type
abbr., earth.sc. saddle; salt acid; search area; sediment accretion; select availability; semianthracites; sikhote-alin; simulated annealing algorithm; sliding average model; South Atlantic Area; Southern Andes; staurolite-andalusite; Sub-Atlantic; swarm andesite
abbr., EBRD special account (raf)
abbr., el. simulated annealing (algorithm); stearic acid (crystal); selective availability; safety automation; sales aid; saturated absorption; scaling amplifier; scan agility; scan amplifier; section adaptation; sector address; security automation; self-activated (center); self-aligned; sequential access; service adapter; service address; service agent; service alarm; service availability; setup acknowledgement; sign algorithm; signature analyzer; single access; single amplitude; situation assessment; situation awareness; slow acting; specificity analyzer; speech amplifier; spherical array; static analysis; station address; strain analysis (model); structured abstract; sub-atmosphere; sub-atmospheric; subscriber access; successive approximation; summing amplifier; switching assembly; symbolic assembler; synchro amplifier; synthetic activated; system administrator; systems analysis; systolic array; sinoatrial node
abbr., electr.eng. security analysis; stability area
abbr., electric. switching apparatus
abbr., fin. surveillance agenda
abbr., food.ind. sulphuric acid
abbr., genet. streptavidin (Alex Lilo)
abbr., geogr. South Australia (iwona)
abbr., IT sense amplifier; smart applet
abbr., lab.eq. Staphylococcus Aureus
abbr., law.enf. sexual assault (She was SA’d in Surrey whilst on the job in 2019. ART Vancouver)
abbr., Makarov. standard atmosphere
abbr., mar.law safe anchorage (Ying)
abbr., med. sinuatrial; Salicylic Acid; Serratus Anterior (muscle); sacrum anterior (harser); serum albumin (концентрация альбумина в сыворотке крови Dimpassy); short axis (harser); sinoatrial (Vosoni); San Angelo; satellite association; serum albumins; serum aldolase; sinus arrest; stability augmentation; body surface area; systole of the atrium
abbr., mil. service action; security assistance; senior adviser; situational awareness; staging area; stand-alone switch; storage area; subassembly; Security Administrator; Seventh Army; Situation Analysis; Special Act; Surprise Attack
abbr., mil., air.def. air search radar; situation apperceive
abbr., mil., avia. Sq special activities squadron; surface attack
abbr., mil., WMD Safety assessment; summary account
abbr., multimed. structured audio
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Sakhalin Administration
abbr., obst. spontaneous abortion (Elena Novski)
abbr., oil sacrificial agent; sacrificial anode; safe arrival; safety alarm; Salvation Association; sample connection; sampling aperture; scanning accuracy; scanning amplifier; Science Abstracts; seal assembly; search angle; seasonally adjusted; select address; selected area; selective amplifier; semiannual; semiannually; service aid; service area; servo amplifier; shear amplitude; shear area; shock attenuation; simple anticline; single-acting; single adjustable; slide agglutination; small amount; small aquifer; small arm; sole agent; sonic amplifier; sonic attenuation; South American; south anticline; South Atlantic; Special Agency; speed alarm; spent acid; spin axis; spring actuated; SQUID super conducting quantum interference device applications (to geophysics); statement of account; stearyl amine; steel alloy; steel area; strategic alliances; stress allowable; stratospheric aerosols; structures analysis; stub acme (Acme (screw) thread); subangular; subarkose; submerged-arc; subsidiary arrangement; succinic acid; sulfamic acid; sulfonated asphalt; sulfonating agent; supplementary agreement; sustained acceleration; sustained action; system analysis; south addition
abbr., oil.proc. sulfuric acid alkylation (MichaelBurov); sulphuric acid alkylation (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oncol. Surface Area
abbr., org.chem. succinic anhydride (igisheva)
abbr., org.name. Soil Association
abbr., pest.contr. spot-on solution
abbr., pharm. sulfacetamide
abbr., physiol. Slow Asphyxiation
abbr., plast. styrene acrylonitrile copolymer
abbr., polit. Saudi Arabia
abbr., polym. sectional area; self-acting; semiautomatic; sieve analysis
abbr., school.sl. summative assessment (в Индии igisheva)
abbr., scottish Arsine (Chemical warfare blood agent); Scientific Adviser (UK); Situational Awareness; Sociedad Anonima (Spain, Venezuela); Sociedada Anonima (Portugal); Sociedade Anonima (Brazil); Societe Anonyme (Belgium, France, Greece, Switzerland)
abbr., securit. seperate account
abbr., soil. salic phase; sandstone; saprolite
abbr., space safety altitude; sating area; Saturn-Apollo; shaft angle; signals analysis; solar array; stand-alone; stand-by altimeter; structural analysis; structural audit
abbr., sport. SH ABS, shock absorber steal
abbr., tech. search/attack radar mode; semi-active
abbr., textile sales agent; saving account; special approval; special authority; state agency
abbr., UN software application
abbr., UN, econ. South Annex building
abbr., UN, geol. Selective Availability
abbr., uncom. state archives (igisheva)
abbr., work.fl. see also
ecol., abbr. sludge age
econ. societe anonima (dimock)
energ.ind., abbr. sealing air; secondary air; self-activation; self-actuating; self-adjustment; semi-automatic; severe accident; site approval; siting analysis; size analysis; solution annealing; spectral analyzer; spray attemperation; spray attemperator; stabilization annealing; standard air; standard assembly; starting attempt; state authorities; steam attemperation; subcritical annealing; substation automation; supervised area; support actions
meteorol., abbr. sand
mil., abbr. Springfield armory; safety analysis; scientific adviser; selected ammunition; service arm; servo assembly; ship-to-aircraft; shipping authority; signal analysis; signal analyzer; signature analysis; simple alert; single-action; site activation; slow-acting; small arms; snap-action; special actions; special agent; special area; special assignment; special assistant; specific activity; spectrum analysis; standby altimeter; subject to approval; subsistence allowance; substitution authorization; supervisory authority; supplemental agreement; supply agency; supply area; support agency; supporting arms; surface area; surface-to-air; system approach; systems analysis
mil., tech. semiactive
tech. acoustic sweep
tech., abbr. safety & assessment department; satellite astronomy; separate amplifiers; service air; servoamplifier; signal attenuation; slow-acting relay; spaceborne astronomy; spacecraft adapter; supplement agreement; supporting agency; switching device
telecom., abbr. Subarea
tradem., abbr. Samso
sa abbr.
abbr. sable
abbr., med., lat. superaurale
abbr., sport. second attack; slugging average; service aces
lat. sine anno (without date Vosoni)
: 109 phrases in 30 subjects
Energy industry2
Mass media6
Notarial practice2
Nuclear and fusion power4
Oil / petroleum1
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Textile industry1
Water supply1