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Regular Armystresses
mil. регулярные СВ
regular army
gen. регулярная армия; постоянная армия
Makarov. кадровая армия
mil. регулярные сухопутные войска (Киселев)
mil., avia. регулярные войска
mil., WMD регулярная армия (РА)
 English thesaurus
Regular Army
mil., abbr. RA
regular army
mil., logist. Standing armed forces with an established structure, system of manning and conditions of service, providing training and education, as well as standard armaments and uniforms. A regular army is centrally commanded and supplied with equipment and materiel. Modern regular armies are normally manned on a cadre basis. 2. The name given to regular as opposed to irregular troops. (UKR/NATO)
Regular Army: 18 phrases in 3 subjects