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RMB abbr.stresses
gen. юаневый (RMB assets – юаневые активы 'More)
bank. юань (Пахно Е.А.)
chinese.lang. юань женьминьби (напр., 100 юаней женьминьби – в официальных текстах K48)
comp. правая кнопка мыши (acrogamnon)
Gruzovik, comp. правая кнопка (right mouse button)
money китайский юань (юань женьминьби Alex_Odeychuk)
money, abbr. юань (ренминби) китайская народная ден. ед.: The renminbi (abbreviation: RMB; lit. 'People's Currency'; code: CNY) is the official currency of the People's Republic of China[note 1] and one of the world's reserve currencies, ranking as the eighth most traded currency in the world as of April 2019. wikipedia.org Morozoff)
 English thesaurus
RMB abbr.
abbr. Roadside Mail Box; Ren Min Bi (юань); rice-milk blend
abbr., avia., med. resting metabolic rate
abbr., busin. relative metabolic rate
abbr., comp. right mouse button (acrogamnon)
abbr., comp., MS CNY (An official currency of the People's Republic of China)
abbr., earth.sc. rocky mountain belt
abbr., ed., scient. Rockford Master's Commission
abbr., el. raster memory buffer; rightmost bit
abbr., fin. Chinese Ren Min Bi
abbr., food.ind. Raw Meaty Bones
abbr., inet. Rub My Belly
abbr., IT Reserve Memory Block; Reserve Memory Byte; Right Mouse Button
abbr., med. Right Mainstem Bronchus
abbr., mil. Requirements Management Board; Risk Management Board
abbr., oil riser base manifold; river mouth bar; mud resistivity at BITT (borehole temperature)
abbr., org.name. Budget and Programming Division
abbr., plast. resorcin monobenzoate; resorcinol monobenzoate
abbr., progr., IT Read Memory Barrier
abbr., radio.amat. Radio Management Bureau
abbr., relig. Renewed Mind Brother
abbr., space Renminbi
abbr., st.exch. Raw Meaty Bone; Ren Men Bi
account. Reimburse
mil. radio marker beacon
RMB ¥ abbr.
abbr., commer. Renminbi yuan
RMB An official currency of the People's Republic of China abbr.
abbr., comp., MS CNY
rmb abbr.
abbr. Ren Min Bi (currency of People's Republic of China Peri)
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
Digital currencies, cryptocurrencies, blockchain1
Foreign exchange market1
Money & world curencies1