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radiac ['reɪdɪæk] nstresses
el. радиационный дозиметрический прибор; обнаружение, идентификация и измерение радиоактивного излучения; радиометр (прибор для измерения активности радиоактивных источников)
mil. дозиметр (Киселев); дозиметрический прибор (Киселев)
phys. радиационный дозиметр
радиоакт. радиак (radioactivity detection, identification, and computation instrument, Radiac, тип радиационного дозиметрического прибора)
radiac ['reɪdɪæk] adj.
mil. радиационный
RADIAC ['reɪdɪæk] abbr.
Gruzovik, bus.styl. радиак (RADIAC is an acronym derived from the words "radioactivity, detection, indication, and computation" and is used as an all-encompassing term to designate various types of radiological measuring instruments or equipment; this word is normally used as an adjective); дозиметрический (RADIAC is an acronym derived from the words "radioactivity, detection, indication, and computation" and is used as an all-encompassing term to designate various types of radiological measuring instruments or equipment; this word is normally used as an adjective)
 English thesaurus
RADIAC ['reɪdɪæk] abbr.
abbr. Radiation Detection, Identification and Computation
abbr., el. radioactive detection, identification and computation
abbr., mil. radioactivity, detection, indication and computation
abbr., scottish Radioactivity Detection, Indication And Computation
mil. Radioactive Detection, Indication, and Computation; radioactivity detection, indication, and computation; An acronym derived from the words "radioactivity, detection, indication and computation" and used as an all-encompassing term to designate various types of radiological measuring instruments or equipment. This word is normally used as an adjective
tech. radioactivity detection, identification and computation
Radiac ['reɪdɪæk] abbr.
abbr., med. radioactive detection and measurement
: 37 phrases in 12 subjects
Automated equipment1
Business style8
Intelligence and security services1
Nuclear physics1