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proof of deliverystresses
gen. подтверждение передачи (Proof of delivery (POD) is a method to establish the fact that the recipient received the contents sent by the sender. When the sender sends multiple documents through the mail there is a possibility of some not reaching the intended recipient. Generally post offices provide additional service of guaranteed delivery, known as an Avis de réception (advice or acknowledgment of receipt), wherein they require the recipient to sign a paper and that paper is filed by the postal service for a specified number of days. WK Alexander Demidov); подтверждение доставки почтового отправления (Julian Bream); подтверждение доставки (ABelonogov)
law доказательство доставки; квитанция о доставке; доказательство поставки (Incoterms 2010 Andrew052)
logist. подтверждение доставки груза
mar.law доказательство сдачи груза
progr. проверка доставки (ssn)
SAP.fin. подтверждение получения поставки (ППП – POD Anchovies)
 English thesaurus
proof of delivery
law, abbr. p.d.
Proof Of Delivery
tech., abbr. POD
Proof of Delivery
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
British usage, not spelling1