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Pomeranian ['pɔmə'reɪnɪən] nstresses
gen. житель Померании; померанский шпиц (Aly19); карликовый шпиц (The Pomeranian (often known as a Pom or Pom Pom) is a breed of dog of the Spitz type, named for the Pomerania region in Central Europe (today part of northern Poland and eastern Germany). Classed as a toy dog breed because of its small size, the Pomeranian is descended from the larger Spitz type dogs, specifically the German Spitz. It has been determined by the Fedration Cynologique Internationale to be part of the German Spitz breed, and in many countries, they are known as the Zwergspitz (Dwarf Spitz). wikipedia.org 'More); карликовый померанский шпиц (wikipedia.org 'More); шпиц
Gruzovik, ethnol. поморянка; поморянин
Makarov. шпиц (порода собак)
Pomeranian dog ['pɔmə'reɪnɪən] n
Gruzovik, dog. шпиц
Pomeranian ['pɔmə'reɪnɪən] adj.
gen. померанский
 English thesaurus
Pomeranian ['pɔmə'reɪnɪən] abbr.
abbr., inf. pom
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects