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petrochemical [petrə(u)'kemik(ə)l] nstresses
environ. нефтехимический продукт (Chemicals manufactured from the products of oil refineries, based largely on ethylene, propylene and butylene produced in the cracking of petrol fractions; Химический продукт, произведенный нефтеперерабатывающим заводом на базе этилена, пропилена и бутилена, полученных в результате крекинга нефти)
law газо- и нефтехимический (1. adjective relating to or denoting substances obtained by the refining and processing of petroleum or natural gas: a huge petrochemical works producing plastics. More example sentences: ‘Research and development efforts in the chemical industry are significantly more productive with the use of catalysis in fields such as fuel refining, petrochemical manufacturing, and environmental management.' ‘Fugitive emissions are uncontrolled vapour emissions from leaking tanks, pipes, valves etc, commonly encountered in petrochemical industries.' ‘Just as suburban development was driving up the demand for gas in the 1960s, Exxon and Mobil used zeolites in petrochemical processes to convert crude oil to fuel while increasing purity and yield.' ‘Under the hood are fluid tanks, hoses, and plastic clips made of petrochemical polymers.' ‘Incidentally, the term ‘pure essential oil' (as claimed by the producers) is a misnomer because the highly toxic petrochemical solvent hexane is involved in the extraction process.' * relating to petrochemistry. Example sentences: ‘Under its petrochemical and plastics segment, Atofina is the world's third largest producer of polypropylene, eighth largest supplier of polyethylene and fourth largest producer of polystyrene.' ‘To implement the project, PTT must invest in the construction of a 6th gas separation plant to accommodate the natural gas demand for petrochemical production.' ‘Although there are no data showing the connection between the two magmatic systems at shallow crustal levels during the eruption, the petrochemical data point to a common parent magma derived from a unique deep source.' 2. noun (usu. petrochemicals) a chemical obtained from petroleum and natural gas. Example sentences: As a gardener and householder I have tried to live as responsibly as I can, by planting trees, recycling, composting, cutting down on our use of gas and electricity, and using a minimum of petrochemicals.' ‘Nylon 6 is formed from a petrochemical that contains six carbons, while nylon 6,6 is created from a reaction between two petrochemicals that contain six carbons each.' The OCA is convinced that some manufacturers are labeling their products organic when the majority of their ingredients are synthetically produced or contain petrochemicals.' oxforddictionaries.com Alexander Demidov)
oil нефтехимический продукт
oil.proc. химический реактив (MichaelBurov); химреактив (MichaelBurov)
petrochemicals ['petrə(u)'kemɪk(ə)lz] n
gen. химические продукты из нефтяного сырья; нефтепродукты; нефтепереработка (Alexander Demidov); нефтехимия (type of product Artjaazz); изделия нефтехимии
chem. нефтехимическое вещество
ecol. нефтехимические продукты
O&G продукция нефтехимии (twinkie); продукты нефтехимии (twinkie)
oil.proc. продукты нефтепереработки (igisheva); продукты нефтехимического производства (igisheva); продукты нефтехимического синтеза (igisheva); продукты нефтехимической промышленности (igisheva); нефтехимическая продукция (igisheva)
 English thesaurus
petrochemicals ['petrə(u)'kemɪk(ə)lz] abbr.
abbr., law petrochemical feedstocks (Alexander Demidov)
Petrochemicals: 24 phrases in 10 subjects
Automated equipment1
Chemical industry1
Energy industry2
Oil and gas3
Oil processing plants6