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peacekeeping operationstresses
foreig.aff. миротворческая операция
peacekeeping operations
mil. операции по поддержанию мира
 English thesaurus
peacekeeping operation
mil., logist. A peace support operation following an agreement or ceasefire that has established a permissive environment where the level of consent and compliance is high, and the threat of disruption is low. The use of force by peacekeepers is normally limited to self-defence. Related terms: conflict prevention; peacebuilding; peacemaking; peace support operation. (NATO)
peacekeeping operations
mil., logist. Multitasking operations with a strong military component whose aim is to make the implementation of a peace agreement easier. They are generally conducted under chapter VI of the UN Charter with the consent of all the main parties involved in the conflict. (FRA)
Peacekeeping operations
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
Foreign affairs2
International relations1
United Nations1