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peacekeeping ['pi:s'ki:pɪŋ] nstresses
не путать с peacemaking (миротворчество, миротворческий)
gen. поддержание мира; обеспечение общественного порядка; обеспечение спокойствия; сохранение мира
law обеспечение мира
 English thesaurus
peacekeeping ['pi:s'ki:pɪŋ] n
mil., logist. All measures taken with the consent of all major parties to a dispute designed to facilitate the peaceful settlement of a conflict after the ceasefire. These measures are taken within the framework of the arrangements of Chapter VI of the U.N. Charta. Beyond the diplomatic and political actions, the armed forces can: 1. ensure the observation of the ceasefire and the implementation of international political decisions; 2. interpose themselves between opposing or belligerent parties; 3. watch the borders and lines of demarcation, and control the “buffer zones”; 4. disarm and demobilize combatants. The forces thus engaged have to remain neutral and impartial. There are subject to strict constraints regarding the employment of weapons. (FRA)
USA Military operations undertaken with the consent of all major parties to a dispute, designed to monitor and facilitate implementation of an agreement cease fire, truce, or other such agreement and support diplomatic efforts to reach a long-term political settlement (JP 3-07.3) see also peace building, peace enforcement, peacemaking, peace operations
Peacekeeping: 55 phrases in 14 subjects
Foreign affairs11
Foreign policy1
International relations1
Mass media1
Security systems1
United Nations4