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PbB abbr.stresses
med. уровень свинца в крови (iwona)
PBB abbr.
ecol. ПБД; полибромдифенил
 English thesaurus
PbB abbr.
med. Blood Lead Levels (iwona)
PBB abbr.
abbr. Performance Based Budgeting; Puppies Behind Bars; polybrominated biphenyl; provider backbone bridge
abbr., anat. pontobulbar body (Игорь_2006)
abbr., anim.husb. polybrominated biphenyls
abbr., avia. Paranaiba, MS, Brazil; passenger boarding bridge
abbr., earth.sc. petroleum bearing basins
abbr., el. parallel by bit
abbr., food.ind. Peanut Butter And Banana
abbr., inet. Project Based Browsing
abbr., IT Pseudo Basic Block
abbr., securit. permitted bank borrowing
abbr., textile Perfectly Balanced Buttonholes
abbr., transp. Purpose Built Block
PbB: 1 phrase in 1 subject