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PSD abbr.stresses
cem. распределение по размерам частиц (MichaelBurov); распределение частиц (MichaelBurov); распределение частиц по размерам (MichaelBurov)
construct. САО (Системы аварийного останова Se6astian)
IT, inf. расширение файлов в формате Adobe Photoshop
law Задаток по гарантии исполнения контракта (Performance Security Deposit nicky.camaro)
math. диаграмма вероятностей состояний (probability state diagram); положительно полуопределённый (positive semidefinite)
meas.inst. ПЧД (позиционно-чувствительный детектор; position-sensitive device MichaelBurov)
neurol. постинсультная депрессия (Post-stroke depression Irina131769)
O&G, sakh. остановка технологического процесса (process shutdown)
pharm. распределение размера частиц (particle size distribution, распределение размера частиц в твёрдых формах лекарственных средств Pustelga)
progr. индивидуальная программная документация (см. personal software documentation ssn); программная структурная диаграмма (ssn); ПСД (ssn)
pulp.n.paper напорный шнековый разгрузчик (AlWolli)
tech. грансостав (MichaelBurov); гранулометрический состав (MichaelBurov); классификация по крупности (MichaelBurov)
Ukraine ПСП (производственное структурное подразделение; production structural division; горнодобывающая промышленность Oleksandr Spirin)
PsD abbr.
chem. псориатическое заболевание (Александр Стерляжников)
telecom. источник питания (Sergey Old Soldier)
 English thesaurus
PSD abbr.
abbr. Paternal Sister Dam; Performance Standards Development; Performance Stretching Device; Phantom Souls Domain; Police Search And Destroy; Police Security Dogs; Port Said, Arab Republic of Egypt; Post Security Detachment; Practical Self Defense; Printer Sharing Device; Printing Something Dumb; Product System Demonstration; Programmer's Supplementary Documents (BSD, Unix); Protective Structures Division; project summary document (oVoD)
abbr., auto. power spectral density; power sliding door; power split device
abbr., avia. physiological support division; port sharing device; process specification departure; production salvage drawings; part specification departure; phase sensitive detection system; power semiconductor device; pressure sensing device; principle structural elements; production salvage drawing; product support division; program security directive; propulsion system division
abbr., BrE personal services department
abbr., cem. particle size distribution (MichaelBurov)
abbr., clin.trial. patient-reported satisfaction (iwona)
abbr., commun. Platforms Screen Door
abbr., comp., net., IT Programmable System Device
abbr., cryptogr. phase shift driver
abbr., earth.sc. phase-sensitive detection; photon stimulated desorption
abbr., econ. Payment Services Directive (maripoli)
abbr., ed. Personal And Social Development
abbr., el. position-sensitive detector (ssn); light-spot-position-sensitive photodetector; packet switched data; peak slap and dip; permanent signal detection circuit; personal service database; phase selective detector; phase shifter driver; phase synchronous detector; photon-stimulated desorptometer; photo-stimulated desorption; physical support definition; polysilicon diode; polysilicon source/drain; portable storage device; position sensitive device; postal security device; post sending delay; pressure sensitive diode; pressure sensitive digitizer; primary storage device; processor store directory; product specification document; program status designation; program system description; protection switching duration; pseudo-second-derivative method; pulse-shaped doped structure; pulse~shaped doping; pulse shape discriminator; pulse spacing distribution
abbr., el., scient. Power Spectral Density; Pulse Shape Discrimination
abbr., electr.eng. phase-sensitive detector
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Power Stroke Diesel
abbr., file.ext. Periscope Debugger Def file (Periscope Vosoni); Periscope Debugger Definition file
abbr., foreig.aff. power spectral density
abbr., IT Prevention Of Significant Deterioration; preliminary system design
abbr., lab.eq. Protein S Deficiency
abbr., law Personal Security Device
abbr., med. Protein Sequence Database; pattern standard deviation (harser); power spectral density (Dimpassy); postural support device (vlad-and-slav); power supply diathermy
abbr., med.appl. pressure sensitive device (harser)
abbr., media. Play Sequence Descriptor
abbr., mil. Personal Security Detail; Personnel Services Division; Personnel Support Detachment; Position Sensing Detector; Position Sensitive Detector; planning systems division; port security detachment
abbr., mil., avia. phase-sensitive demodulator
abbr., mil., WMD prevention of significant deterioration
abbr., nautic. Port Said, Egypt
abbr., nucl.pow. Plant safety design (Ananaska)
abbr., O&G pore size distribution
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. process shutdown
abbr., O&G, sakh. prediction based on seismic data; process shut down
abbr., oil permanently shut down; process shutdown system; production shutdown; particle size determination; phase sensitive demodulator; phase sensitive detector; phase-shift-down; polysaccharide deflocculant; primary standard data
abbr., opt. position-sensing detector; pseudo-second derivative
abbr., pharma. patient specific direction (Баян)
abbr., phys. phase sensitive detection
abbr., physiol. postsynaptic density (Игорь_2006)
abbr., physiol., med. Post Stroke Depression
abbr., police Professional Standards Department
abbr., progr. program structure diagram (ssn); programmable system device (ssn); personal software documentation (ssn)
abbr., railw. platform screen doors (Andrey250780)
abbr., scottish Propulsion System Demonstrator
abbr., space position sensitive devices; position sensitive diode; propellant slosh dynamics
abbr., st.exch. Puget Sound Energy, Inc.
abbr., stat. pattern standard deviation (iwona)
abbr., telecom. packet-switched data
abbr., vet.med., med. Pesticides Safety Directorate
abbr., work.fl. project submission document
energ.ind. particle-size distribution; power distribution detector; power system disturbance
mil. parts support digest; personnel service division; personnel subsystem development; personnel support detachment; procurement surveys division; product support department; professional service date; program support document; promotion service date; propellant storage depot
O&G project specific dictionaries
tech. phase-sensitive demodulator; physical sciences division; position-sensitive detector; power spectral distribution; power spectrum density; preliminary systems design; processing status display
psd abbr.
mil. Protective Security Detail, Protective Services Detail, Personal Security Detachment, Personal Security Detail (A team of protective personnel that provides physical protective services for the movement of protected persons and/or property kinda_me)
: 13 phrases in 7 subjects
Computer networks1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1