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PLC nstresses
O&G, sakh. программируемый логический контроллер (programmable logic controller)
pharma. Комиссия по контролю за качеством выпускаемой продукции (Product Liability Committee; В фармкомпаниях может называться Отдел по контролю и т.д. etal)
PLC Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica n
med. хронический лихеноидный питириаз парапсориаз (childrens.com Ladyhood)
PLCs abbr.
progr. программируемые логические контроллеры (programmable logical controllers ssn)
PLCS abbr.
comp., net. контроллер физического уровня с кодировщиком
oil.proc. постоянно действующая экзаменационная комиссия (Tanyabomba); ПДЭК (Permanent Labor Safety Commission Tanyabomba)
progr. поддержка жизненного цикла изделия (ssn); ПЖЦИ (ssn)
 English thesaurus
PLC abbr.
abbr. Patrol Leader Council; Patrol Leaders Council; Platinum Ladeez Clique; Politically Limited Competitiveness; Potentially Loyal Consumer; Power Line Communication; Prince Lucien Campbell; Private Limited Company; Public Limited Company; project loan certificate (Alexander Matytsin); program logic controller (eternalduck); Programable Logic Controller; project loan certificates; public liability company
abbr., adv. product life circle
abbr., automat. programmable login controller (ibcsol.ru Funky Beast)
abbr., avia. programmable logic controller; pilot learning center; power lever control; products list circular; program logical control; program logical controller
abbr., cables power line communication
abbr., commun. power line communication (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., comp., net. Polycenter Licensing System
abbr., econ. pre-license checks
abbr., ed. Pathfinder Learning Center
abbr., ed., scient. Programming Learning Center; Pymble Ladies College
abbr., el. power line carrier (modem); path length control; physical layer controller; planar lightwave circuit (splitter); position line circuit; positive logic circuit; prime level code; private line carrier; private log cache; program level change; program linkage convention; programmable logic cell; programmable logic controler; pulsed laser calliper; silica-based planar lightwave circuit (technology)
abbr., el., scient. Power Line Communications
abbr., electr.eng. power-line carrier; power-line communications
abbr., energ.syst. protection for loss of cooling (muhayyo-m)
abbr., file.ext. P-CAD database (P-CAD Vosoni); Add-in file (functions - macros - applications, Lotus 1-2-3)
abbr., IT Add-in file; P-CAD Database; Personalized Localized And Customized; powerline communication; Programmable Logic Circuit
abbr., labor.org. programmator automatic cycle (Dairotex ch_lena13)
abbr., med. Primary Liver Cancer; Protein-lipid Complex; proinsulin-like component; phospholipase C
abbr., mil. Platoon Leaders Class; Programmable Logic Controller; power line conditioner
abbr., mil., avia. prelaunch console
abbr., O&G. tech. place (место kostaLom); Programmable Logic Controller (MichaelBurov)
abbr., progr. power line communication (ssn); programmable logical controller (ssn)
abbr., silic. permanent linear change
abbr., st.exch. P L C Systems, Inc.
abbr., telecom. Planar Lightwave Circuit (belk_a)
ecol. price limits to the consumer
energ.ind. pressurize level controller
invest. public limited company
mil. platform control; platoon leader's classes; primary leadership course; programming language committee
tech. preparative layer chromatography; programmable logic control
plc abbr.
abbr. Public Limited Company
O&G, sakh. public limited liability company (компания с ограниченной ответственностью открытого типа Sakhalin Energy)
PLCs abbr.
abbr., progr. programmable logical controllers (ssn)
PLCS abbr.
abbr., avia. Product life cycle support (geseb); places; propellant loading control system
abbr., el. physical layer convergence sublayer
abbr., mil., avia. propellant loading control system
abbr., progr. product life cycle support (ssn)
abbr., space program logic control system
: 37 phrases in 11 subjects
Automated equipment2
British usage, not spelling1
Oil processing plants1