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PLC nstresses
O&G, sakh. программируемый логический контроллер (programmable logic controller)
pharma. Комиссия по контролю за качеством выпускаемой продукции (Product Liability Committee; В фармкомпаниях может называться Отдел по контролю и т.д. etal)
PLC Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica n
med. хронический лихеноидный питириаз парапсориаз (childrens.com Ladyhood)
PLCS abbr.
comp., net. контроллер физического уровня с кодировщиком
oil.proc. постоянно действующая экзаменационная комиссия (Tanyabomba); ПДЭК (Permanent Labor Safety Commission Tanyabomba)
progr. поддержка жизненного цикла изделия (ssn); ПЖЦИ (ssn)
PLCs abbr.
progr. программируемые логические контроллеры (programmable logical controllers ssn)
 English thesaurus
PLC abbr.
abbr. Patrol Leader Council; Patrol Leaders Council; Platinum Ladeez Clique; Politically Limited Competitiveness; Potentially Loyal Consumer; Power Line Communication; Prince Lucien Campbell; Private Limited Company; Public Limited Company; project loan certificate (Alexander Matytsin); program logic controller (eternalduck); Programable Logic Controller; project loan certificates; public liability company
abbr., adv. product life circle
abbr., automat. programmable login controller (ibcsol.ru Funky Beast)
abbr., avia. programmable logic controller; pilot learning center; power lever control; products list circular; program logical control; program logical controller
abbr., cables power line communication
abbr., commun. power line communication (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., comp., net. Polycenter Licensing System
abbr., econ. pre-license checks
abbr., ed. Pathfinder Learning Center
abbr., ed., scient. Programming Learning Center; Pymble Ladies College
abbr., el. power line carrier (modem); path length control; physical layer controller; planar lightwave circuit (splitter); position line circuit; positive logic circuit; prime level code; private line carrier; private log cache; program level change; program linkage convention; programmable logic cell; programmable logic controler; pulsed laser calliper; silica-based planar lightwave circuit (technology)
abbr., el., scient. Power Line Communications
abbr., electr.eng. power-line carrier; power-line communications
abbr., energ.syst. protection for loss of cooling (muhayyo-m)
abbr., file.ext. P-CAD database (P-CAD Vosoni); Add-in file (functions - macros - applications, Lotus 1-2-3)
abbr., IT Add-in file; P-CAD Database; Personalized Localized And Customized; powerline communication; Programmable Logic Circuit
abbr., labor.org. programmator automatic cycle (Dairotex ch_lena13)
abbr., med. Primary Liver Cancer; Protein-lipid Complex; proinsulin-like component; phospholipase C
abbr., mil. Platoon Leaders Class; Programmable Logic Controller; power line conditioner
abbr., mil., avia. prelaunch console
abbr., O&G. tech. place (место kostaLom); Programmable Logic Controller (MichaelBurov)
abbr., progr. power line communication (ssn); programmable logical controller (ssn)
abbr., silic. permanent linear change
abbr., st.exch. P L C Systems, Inc.
abbr., telecom. Planar Lightwave Circuit (belk_a)
ecol. price limits to the consumer
energ.ind. pressurize level controller
invest. public limited company
mil. platform control; platoon leader's classes; primary leadership course; programming language committee
tech. preparative layer chromatography; programmable logic control
plc abbr.
abbr. Public Limited Company
O&G, sakh. public limited liability company (компания с ограниченной ответственностью открытого типа Sakhalin Energy)
PLCS abbr.
abbr., avia. Product life cycle support (geseb); places; propellant loading control system
abbr., el. physical layer convergence sublayer
abbr., mil., avia. propellant loading control system
abbr., progr. product life cycle support (ssn)
abbr., space program logic control system
PLCs abbr.
abbr., progr. programmable logical controllers (ssn)
: 37 phrases in 11 subjects
Automated equipment2
British usage, not spelling1
Oil processing plants1