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PIUs ['paɪəs] nstresses
telecom. блоки PIU (oleg.vigodsky)
Pius ['paɪəs] n
gen. Пайус; Пайес; Пий (мужское имя)
names Пий (имя 12 рим. пап)
relig. Пий I (Latin Pope from с 140 to 155 who combatted Gnosticism and the Marcionites); Пий II (Outstanding Italian humanist and astute politician who as Pope - reigned 1458-64 - tried to unite Europe in a crusade against the Turks at a time when they threatened to overrun all of Europe); Пий IV (Italian Pope - 1559-65 - who concluded the Council of Trent); Пий V (Italian ascetic, reformer, and relentless persecutor of heretics, whose papacy -1566-72 - marked one of the most austere periods in Roman Catholic church history); Пий VI (Italian Pope from 1775 to 1799 whose tragic pontificate was the longest of the 18th century); Пий VII (Italian Pope from 1800 to 1823 whose dramatic conflicts with Napoleon led to a restoration of the church after the armies of the French Revolution had devastated the papacy under Pius VI); Пий VIII (Italian Pope from March 1829 to November 1830. In strictly ecclesiastical matters he was generally broad-minded and conciliatory); Пий IX (Italian head of the Roman Catholic Church whose pontificate - 1846-78 -was the longest in history and was marked by a transition from liberalism to conservatism); Пий X (Italian Pope from 1903 to 1914 whose staunch political and religious conservatism dominated the early 20th-century church); Пий XI (Italian Pope from 1922 to 1939, one of the most important modern pontiffs whose motto "the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ" illustrated his work to construct a new Christendom based on world peace); Пий XII (Italian head of the Roman Catholic church during World War II and the years of postwar reconstruction - reigned 1939-58- who dealt with contemporary moral and theological issues in innumerable addresses and in several encyclicals)
relig., lat. послушный ("dutiful", P.); покорный ("dutiful", P.); преданный ("dutiful", P.)
 English thesaurus
PIUs ['paɪəs] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. photo-identifiable units
tech. processor interface units
Pius ['paɪəs] abbr.
abbr., relig., lat. P. ("dutiful")
PIUS ['paɪəs] n
energ.ind. process inherent ultimate safety
PIUs: 7 phrases in 6 subjects
Energy industry1
Names and surnames2
Proper name1