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pir [pɪə] nstresses
gen. учитель; наставник (в мусульманских сектах)
rel., budd. пир (мусульманский проповедник, святой)
PIR [pɪə] abbr.
gen. независимая экспертиза проекта (Bauirjan)
build.mat. полиизоцианурат (wikipedia.org Yegor)
chem. полиизоцианурат (Yuriy83)
math. кольцо главных идеалов (principal ideal ring)
mil. ППИ (поиск приоритетной информации WiseSnake)
sec.sys. пассивный инфракрасный датчик движения (MichaelBurov); инфракрасный датчик движения (MichaelBurov); инфракрасный датчик (MichaelBurov); ПИК (пассивный инфракрасный (датчик) Ying)
 English thesaurus
PIR [pɪə] abbr.
abbr. Pile Installation Recorder; project independent review (Bauirjan); "parent in room" (bigmaxus); Position in Range (SEIC ABelonogov); profit investment ratio (wiki Alexander Demidov); policy improvement routine
abbr., acrid. passive infra-red
abbr., auto. plug-in-relay
abbr., automat. productivity increase ratio
abbr., avia. Pierre, South Dakota USA; portable ILS receiver; property irregularity report; precision instrument runway; product improvement record; product improvement request; pump interstage regulator
abbr., biotechn. protein information resource
abbr., comp., IT Processor Information ROM
abbr., ed. Pupil Instruction Related
abbr., el. passive infrared (detector); packet insertion rate; parallel interrupt register; plug-in relay; power impulse response; program incident report; program interrupt request; probe instruction register
abbr., file.ext. Protocol Independent Routing
abbr., inet. Parents In Room
abbr., IT Post Implementation Review
abbr., magn.tomogr. Patient Information Reconciliation (VasDoc)
abbr., math., scient. Periodic Interest Rate
abbr., med. Participant Inquiry Research; Protein Information Or Identification Resource
abbr., mil. Para Infantry Regiment; Passive Infra Red; Priority Intelligence Requirements; priority intelligence requirement; Pass In Review; Problem Identification Report
abbr., mil., avia. parachute infantry regiment
abbr., nautic. Napier, New Zealand; Pierre Sd, U.S.A.
abbr., O&G, casp. Pipeline Inventory Report (raf)
abbr., oil porosity indicator ratio; profit-to-investment ratio
abbr., plast. polyisocyanurate
abbr., police Police Initial Recruitment or Passive Infra-Red
abbr., polym. polyisocyanate (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., post Post-Implementation Review (GAO report 2007)
abbr., railw. Pittsburgh Industrial Railroad Incorporated
abbr., sec.sys. passive infra red sensor (MichaelBurov); passive infrared sensor (MichaelBurov); PIR sensor (MichaelBurov); passive infra-red sensor (MichaelBurov); passive IR sensor (MichaelBurov); PIR-based motion detector (MichaelBurov)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Priority Information Report
abbr., sport. Phoenix International Raceway
abbr., st.exch. Pier 1 Imports, Inc.
abbr., UN Project Implementation Report (S3_OPS)
mil. personnel information roster; process and indoctrinate recruits
mil., abbr. parachute infantry regiment; periodic intelligence report; periodic intelligence review; personnel information report; photographic intelligence report; photointerpretation report; precision instrumentation radar; preliminary interrogation report; primary intelligence requirement; priority information requirement; procurement information reporting; product improvement review; production information release; production inspection record; program investigation request
tech. peak information rate
tech., abbr. Petrolite irradiation reactor; plant incident report; plant internal report; power interference ratio; problem investigation report
PIR [pɪə] abbr.
abbr. project implementation review (oVoD); pure India rubber
abbr., avia. packet insert rate; pilot incident report; pressure interstage return
abbr., earth.sc. periodic independent residual
abbr., law proforma invoice request (N.Zubkova)
abbr., med. postisometric relaxation (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., oil profit to investment ratio
abbr., space polyamide-imide resin; precision inspection requirement; pressure impact arming rocket
abbr., textile protection and indemnity risks
abbr., UN progress inspection report
: 17 phrases in 6 subjects
Building materials1
Mobile and cellular communications1
Security systems10