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PIM abbr.stresses
abbr., el. РСМ interface module
abbr., manag., tech. управление информацией о продуктах (product information management Georgy Moiseenko)
agric. Совместное управление ирригацией (participatory irrigation management; СУИ AL Abass)
comp. Платформенно-независимая модель (Platform Independent Model Азери)
Gruzovik, comp. персональный информационный менеджер (personal information manager); электронная записная книжка (personal information manager)
Gruzovik, IT менеджер личной информации (personal information manager); электронный секретарь (personal information manager); личная информационная система (personal information manager)
met. литьё порошковых смесей (Darkwing duck)
oil.proc. прединспекционное совещание (Preinspection Meeting Лео); предынспекционное совещание (Preinspection Meeting Лео)
polym. Plastics Implementing Measure Исполнительные меры для пластмассы (ladyinred)
progr. модель предметной области проектируемого приложения (сокр. от "platform independent model" Alex_Odeychuk); платформонезависимая модель предметной области проектируемого приложения (сокр. от "platform independent model" Alex_Odeychuk)
stat. Метод постоянной инвентаризации (Perpetual Inventory Method Yulasya)
 English thesaurus
PIM abbr.
abbr. Perpetual Inventory Method; Procurement Information Memoranda; Product Information Management; Professional In Multimedia; Project Information Manager; Path of Intended Movement; Per Installed Measure; Personal Information Manager / Management; Politically Important Murder; Practical Implementing Measures; Pressure In Manifold; Programme Integration Management; Pubes In Mouth; Putnam Master International Income Fund
abbr., addit. Powder Injection Molding (Павел Журавлев)
abbr., AI. Parallel Inference Machine
abbr., auto. personalize information management; power interchange module; power inverter module; powertrain interface module; pressure intake manifold
abbr., automat. physically integrated manufacturing
abbr., avia. personal identity module; priority interrupt module; potentiometer interface module; previous intended movement; project integration management
abbr., busin. processing-with-supplied-materials; project identification memorandum
abbr., comp. Protocal Independent Multicasting (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., IT Parallel Inference Machine
abbr., comp., net., IT Protocol Independent Multicast
abbr., earth.sc. particulate inorganic material; Philippine Iron Mines; policy iteration model; precision indicator of meridian; Provincial Institute of Mining
abbr., econ. policy implementation and monitoring
abbr., ed., scient. Pathology Immunology And Microbiology
abbr., el. peripheral interface master; plasma impedance monitor; platform interface module; polarization insensitive modulator; power integrated module; processor interface module; programmable interconnect matrix
abbr., energ.ind. pre-installation meeting (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Primary Interface Module; Protocol-Independent Multicast; Pascal text mode image file (Ultimate Draw)
abbr., fin. perpetual inventory method
abbr., gas.proc. Project Information Memorandum (Seregaboss)
abbr., HF.electr. passive intermodulation
abbr., IT Pascal text mode image file; Personal Information Management; Personal Information Manager; Processor In Memory; Port Interface Module
abbr., Makarov. polymeric inclusion membrane
abbr., manag. product information management (MichaelBurov)
abbr., math., scient. Parallel Iterative Method; Parallel Iterative Methods
abbr., media. Print Image Matching; Print Innovation Monitor
abbr., mil. Position and Intended Movement; Pre-trained Individual Manpower; Paladin Integrated Management (qwarty); pretrained individual manpower; payload interface module
abbr., mil., avia. Paladin integrated management
abbr., mil., WMD project integration manager
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Preliminary Information Memo
abbr., O&G, sakh. pipeline integrity monitoring; Preliminary Information Memorandum (for lenders); preliminary information memorandum (for tenders)
abbr., oil panel interface module; pipeline insertion machine; pod installation module; plant information management; processing-with-supplied-material
abbr., opt. pulse intensity modulation; pulse interval modulation
abbr., pharm. Plastics Implementation Measure ("Измерения при внедрении пластмасс" (возможно, перевод неточен; относится к Директиве 10/2011/EC) kat_j)
abbr., pharma. probability–impact matrix (Wakeful dormouse)
abbr., physiol., med. Protein Interaction Map
abbr., progr. personal information management (ssn); platform independent model (ssn); platform-independent model (ssn); process information management (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Peronal Information Manager; Projective Indecomposable Module
abbr., relig. Partners In Ministry
abbr., scottish Position of Intended Movement; Precision Indicator of the Meridian; Precision Instrument Mount; Previously Intended Movement; Processor-in-Memory
abbr., sec.sys., IT Personal Information Manual
abbr., sport. Penalties In Minutes
abbr., tech. product improvement management
abbr., tel. Peripheral interface manager (Yakov)
abbr., tradem. Profiles In Magic
abbr., vibr.monit. power input module (modinn)
energ.ind. pooled inventory management; pre-irradiation material
mil. plan of intended movement; point of intended movement; position and intended movement; production information memoranda; program integration manual
tech. plant issues matrix
: 5 phrases in 5 subjects
Computer networks1
Oil and gas1