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PID abbr.stresses
automat. ПИД-регулятор, Пропорционально-Интегрально-Дифференциальный регулятор (используется в качестве закона управления для регулирования параметров технологических процессов ibcsol.ru Funky Beast)
comp., net. идентификатор пакета (packet identifier Alex_Odeychuk)
construct. технологическая схема с детальной прорисовкой всех единиц оборудования, трубопроводов и КИПиА (Ася Кудрявцева)
energ.ind. схема автоматизации и КИП (yagailo)
energ.syst. PI-Диаграмма (Altuntash)
immunol. аутоингибиторный домен (olga don)
math. область главных идеалов (principal ideal domain)
med. ГВЗ (pyoinflammatory disease Scaramouch); ВЗОМТ (iwona); инфекционные заболевания тазовых органов (kat_j)
O&G НЦТ (нарушение целостности трубопровода – pipeline integrity loss Ivanov); технологическая схема (MichaelBurov)
O&G, tengiz. схема технологической обвязки (Yeldar Azanbayev); схема КИП (Yeldar Azanbayev)
progr. идентификационный номер процесса (см. Process Identification Number ssn); ПИД-регулирование (ssn); пропорционально-интегрально-дифференциальное регулирование (ssn)
SAP.tech. идентификатор процесса
pid abbr.
dril. натянутый (pulled); поднимаемый из скважины (pulled)
tech. обозначение параметра
 English thesaurus
PID abbr.
abbr. Painted Internal Diameter; Planned Industrial District; Product Installation Diagram; Process Identification (Vosoni); Process IDentification number (Unix); Proportional-Integrating-Derivative (regulating algorithm Vosoni); Protocol IDentifier (governing connection types); pelvic inflammatory disease (Andrei Sedliarou); photo-interpretation detachment; proportional-integral-differential (controller); Potential Induced Degradation (asia_nova)
abbr., AI. Proportional-Integral-Derivative control
abbr., auto. parameter identification location; parameter identifier; parameter identification
abbr., automat. pictorial information digitizer; proportional-integral differential
abbr., avia. Nassau Paradise Island, Bahamas; Position Information Document; process interface description; proportion integration differentiation; process interface document; proportional control, integral control, and derivative control
abbr., avia., med. prolapsed intervertebral disc
abbr., comp., IT Physical Interface Device
abbr., comp., net. Protocol Identification
abbr., corp.gov. Programme Initiation Project Document
abbr., earth.sc. photoionization device; proportional integral and differential; proportional-integral-derivative
abbr., ecol. proportion-integration-differentiation
abbr., ed. Profound Intellectual Disability
abbr., el. peripheral interface device; photo-induced decay; photoinduced discharge; picture input device; port identification; process induced defect; processor identity; program identification; proportional-integral-derivative control algorithm; proportional-integral-differential control algorithm; proportional-integral-differential controller; pseudo-interrupt device; purse interface device; proportional plus integral plus derivative (control)
abbr., electr.eng. proportional, integral and derivative control
abbr., energ.ind. potential induced degradation (Lesya1986)
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Poor Innocent Dragon
abbr., file.ext. Process ID file (Unix); Process Identification Number; Pseudo Interrupt Device
abbr., IT Product Identifier; process ID; packet identificator; Personal Identification Device
abbr., law Personal Identification Number; Proprietary Information Disclosure
abbr., math., scient. Principal Ideal Domain
abbr., med. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (воспалительные заболевания органов малого таза WAHinterpreter); Poisons Information Database; Pus In 'Dere (PID Actually Means Pelvic Inflammatory Disease); pain intensity difference (Игорь_2006)
abbr., med., dis. pelvic inflammatory diseases (igisheva); pelvic inflammatory disorders (igisheva)
abbr., met. permeability inducing device (Sintey)
abbr., mil. Personal Information Device; Proportional, Integral, and Differential (controller); plan identification number; positive identification
abbr., mil., avia. panel-integrated display
abbr., mil., WMD photoionization detector
abbr., O&G P&ID (MichaelBurov); P&I diagram (MichaelBurov); piping & instrumentation diagram; proportional integral derivative (olga garkovik)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Process and Instrumentation Diagram
abbr., O&G, sakh. production information database
abbr., oil proportional integral differential control; piping & instruments design; piping and instrument diagram; pressure indicted data; proportional-integral-derivation (derivative)
abbr., opt. proportional integral derivative; pulse interference detector
abbr., pharma. patient identification number (Игорь_2006)
abbr., phys. population inversion density
abbr., physiol., med. Pelvic inflammatory disease
abbr., plast. Plastics Information Direct
abbr., police Project Initiation Document
abbr., polym. Proportioning Integral Differentiating
abbr., product. piping and instrumentation diagram (MichaelBurov)
abbr., progr. packet identifier (ssn); Persistent Identifier (ssn); process ID (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Process IDentifier
abbr., real.est. Parcel Identifier (aht)
abbr., scottish Passive / Personal Identification Device
abbr., sec.sys., IT Personal Identity Digit
abbr., space parallel input data; passive identification device; photo-ionization detector; photoconductive infrared detector; pneumatic infrared detector; pyroelectric infrared detector
abbr., tech. Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (AIR_1968)
abbr., telecom. personal identification data; portable identification field (CT-2); proportional integral differential
abbr., textile position integrated doffer
abbr., tradem. Plant Industries Division
energ.ind. proportional-integral-derivative (control)
IT, abbr. Process Identifier
mil., abbr. photointerpretation department; photointerpretation detachment; prime item development; procurement information digest; procurement item/identification description; program introduction document; project implementation directive; public information division
tech., abbr. partial initial decision; pictural information digitizer; position indication device; project identification
telecom. Protocol Identifier (SNAP)
PId abbr.
abbr., telecom. processing instance identifier
: 113 phrases in 16 subjects
Automated equipment42
Energy industry1
Information technology2
Medical appliances1
Neural networks1
Oil and gas5