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PCB nstresses
alum. полихлоридбифимины (ПХБ; опасны для окружающей среды, вопрос утилизации)
pcb n
O&G, sakh. печатная плата (printed circuit board)
pcb adj.
tech. ПП
PCB abbr.
abbr. выключатель электропитания (power circuit-breaker financial-engineer); выключатель питания (power circuit-breaker financial-engineer)
avia. сжигание топлива во внутреннем контуре
chem. ПХД (MichaelBurov); полихлорбифенил (MichaelBurov); полихлордифенил (MichaelBurov)
house. блок управления процессором
IT блок связи программ; блок управления воспроизведением; блок управления процессом; блок программного управления
Makarov. полихлорированные бифенилы
mech. печатная плата
med. посткоитальное кровотечение (postcoital bleeding ataman-k)
med.appl. МХД (abb. Viktor Nik)
O&G, sakh. полихлорированный дифенил (polychlorinated biphenyl)
opt. печатный узел (контролируемый печатный узел optimaxonline.com gera_ly)
polym. перфторциклобутилен (Karabas)
shipb. морская конструкционная сталь класса "В" (dvperevod)
tech. плата
transf. ПХБ (полихлорированные бифенилы Steven Van Hove)
 English thesaurus
PCB abbr.
abbr. Pakistan Computer Bureau; Protocol Control Block (TCP); PolyChlorinated Biphenyl; polychlorinated biphenyl
abbr., account. petty cash book
abbr., auto. printed-circuit board; prechamber
abbr., avia. Project Control Board; parts control board; planning change board; power control box; production certification board; production control bulletin; program change board; program control block; propulsion control board; propulsion control box
abbr., cartogr. police call box
abbr., chem. poly chloride biphenyl (MichaelBurov); polychlorinated biphenyl (MichaelBurov); PCD (MichaelBurov); polychloride biphenyl (MichaelBurov); poly-chloride biphenyl (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net. printed circuit board
abbr., comp., net., IT Process Control Block
abbr., el. program communication block; peripheral control and branch; point contact breakdown; port check bit; process communication block; program control buffer; pubic coin box
abbr., electr.eng. power circuit-breaker; printed-circuit board
abbr., health. practice based commissioning
abbr., inet. Page Created By
abbr., isol. polychlorinated biphenyls
abbr., IT P-CAD database; PC board (Andrey Truhachev); page control block
abbr., med. Paracervical Block; near point of convergence; punctum convergens basalin
abbr., mil. Poly Chlorinated Biphenol
abbr., mil., avia. plenum chamber burning
abbr., mil., WMD poly-chlorinated biphenyl
abbr., nautic., scient. Poly Chlorinated Biphenal
abbr., oil polychlorinated biphenols
abbr., org.name. Programme Coordinating Board
abbr., physiol. Post-Coital Bleeding
abbr., plast. polychlorinated bisphenyl
abbr., polit. Party Coalition Of Brunei
abbr., railw. Consolidated Rail Corporation
abbr., scottish Plenum Chamber Burning
abbr., sport. Pakistan Cricket Board
abbr., tech. polychloro biphenyl; polychlorinated biphenyi
ecol., abbr. polychlorbiphenyl
mil., abbr. product configuration baseline; program control board; project change board
tech., abbr. power circuit breaker
PCB abbr.
abbr., avia. play control block
abbr., biotechn. process characterization block (iwona)
abbr., earth.sc. piecewise constant base stacking; Pollution Control Board; polychlorobiphenyls
abbr., med. psoas compartment block (Баян)
abbr., multimed. printed circuit hoard
abbr., oil plug-in circuit boards; point-contact breakdown; pressure core barrel
abbr., pharm. procarbazine
abbr., UN, AIDS. Programme Coordinating Board of UNAIDS
: 45 phrases in 19 subjects
Automated equipment2
Electrical engineering1
Information technology3
Mass media2
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Office equipment3
Printed circuit boards1
United Nations1