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PBP abbr.stresses
busin. срок окупаемости (MichaelBurov); срок окупаемости проекта (MichaelBurov)
cycl. веломарафон Париж-Брест-Париж (дистанция 1200 км за 90 часов; на 200 км короче, чем LEL); знаменитый веломарафон Париж-Брест-Париж (дистанция 1200 км за 90 часов. На 200 км короче, чем LEL)
dril. поднятая длинная колонна (pulled big pipe)
oil извлечение обсадных труб большого диаметра (pulling big pipe)
polit. Партнеры в тихоокеанском регионе (Partners in the Blue Pacific: The United States, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the United Kingdom launched an informal group aimed at boosting economic and diplomatic ties with Pacific island nations, the White House said on Friday. The group, dubbed Partners in the Blue Pacific (PBP), will seek to support Pacific regionalism and strengthen economic ties between the Pacific islands and the rest of the world. reuters.com Lyashenko I.)
 English thesaurus
PBP abbr.
abbr. People Before Profit; priority break point
abbr., agric. Prohibited Breeding Program
abbr., avia. Punta Islita, Costa Rica
abbr., bacteriol. penicillin binding protein (Игорь_2006)
abbr., busin. pay back period (MichaelBurov); pay-back period (MichaelBurov); payback period (MichaelBurov); payment back period (MichaelBurov); lead plate; phosphate bronze plate
abbr., comp., IT Passive Backplane Pisa
abbr., comp., net. Packet Burst Protocol
abbr., EBRD payback period (raf)
abbr., el. point by point
abbr., environ. Polychlorinated Biphenyls Program; Prescribed Burn Project
abbr., genet. PSE-binding protein
abbr., inet. Posting Board Party
abbr., med. Penicillin-binding Protein; Platelet Basic Protein; Prostate-binding Protein; Ps Binding Protein; Proctodynia By Proxy (Healthcare abbriviation to describe a condition suffered by clinical staff. Interex); pseudobulbar palsy
abbr., med.appl. Pre-blood pump (vlad-and-slav); pre-blood pump (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., mil., avia. performance based payment
abbr., oil pulled big pipe; pulling pulled big pipe; push button panel
abbr., physiol. Progressive Bulbar Palsy
abbr., polym. push-button panel
abbr., progr., IT Pretty Bad Privacy
abbr., sport. Play By Post
abbr., tradem. Pine Brook Press; Planet Brodie Productions; Progressive Business Publications
abbr., transp. Postmasters Benefit Plan
energ.ind. push-botton panel
mil. plotting board plot; program and budget planning
tech. pulling big pipe
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