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PAL+ nstresses
media. усовершенствованная система цветного ТВ PAL (обеспечивающая высокое качество изображения на экранах ТВ приёмников с форматом 16:9 за счёт в основном снижения перекрёстных помех «яркость-цветность» и подавления повторов)
pal [pæl] n
gen. приятельница
avunc. кореш (= old friend – for men only denghu)
Gruzovik, inf. знакомец
Gruzovik, slang корыш (= кореш)
hydrobiol. ту́пик (Fratercula arctica grabae; птица)
inf. товарищ; приятель (a friend Val_Ships); кореш; соучастник
jarg. кор (= кореш)
ornit. ту́пик (Fratercula arctica)
scub., inf. дружище
slang друг; корешок; мужик; подруга; старик; дружок; парень (и т.п., обращение к мужчине); приятель (Это слово изначально было распространено среди чернокожих, но теперь нередко встречается и в студенческой среде, хоть и не так часто, как "man", "baby" или "guy".)
tech. ПСС
Игорь Миг, inf. корефан (приятель, друг)
Pal [pæl] n
prop.name Пал
pal [pæl] v
gen. дружить; подружиться (обыкн. pal in, pal on, pal up)
inf. with дружить
PAL [pæl] abbr.
avia. программируемые компоненты логики массива (MichaelBurov); программируемые компоненты матричной логики (MichaelBurov)
comp., MS стандарт PAL (The dominant television standard in Europe and China. Phase Alternating Line (PAL) delivers 25 interlaced frames per second at 625 lines of resolution); список доступа к публикации (The primary mechanism for securing the Publisher. It contains a list of logins, accounts, and groups that are granted access to the publication)
dentist. уровень прикрепления пародонта (MichaelBurov); уровень прикрепления десны (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, mil. специальное предохранительное устройство, исключающее несанкционированное применение ядерных боеприпасов оперативно-технического назначения (permissive action link)
house. система цветного телевидения PAL
IT язык программирования приложений Paradox; библиотека прикладных программ
mil. ПУЯБ; предохранительное устройство ядерного боеприпаса
ophtalm. прогрессивная линза (progressive addition lens: The progressive addition lens (PAL) is a spectacle lens design with progressive refractive power changes across the lens surface to provide om_ya)
sec.sys. стандарт цветного телевидения (video-sam.ru drag)
tech. ПАЛ (система цветного телевидения, ФРГ); система ПАЛ
wareh. паллет (так в складской документации сокращают паллет – pallet schyzomaniac)
Pal [pæl] abbr.
dril. палакси (Paluxy; свита зоны тринити серии кяманче меловой системы)
 English thesaurus
PAL [pæl] abbr.
abbr. phenylalanine ammonia lyase
abbr., anim.husb. phenylalanine aminolyase
abbr., astronaut. Pacific aerospace library
abbr., auto. paddle
abbr., avia. Pacific Aeronautical Aerospace Library; parcel air lift; pressure altitude; product allocation list
abbr., ecol. phenylalanine ammonia-lyase
abbr., med. lumbosacral pain; Palyam; posterior axillary line; products of activated lymphocytes; pyogenic abscess of the liver
abbr., med.appl. progressive addition lens
abbr., media. Phase Alternation on Line; Phase Alternation on Lines
pal [pæl] abbr.
abbr. paleography; pallet
Pal [pæl] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. palaeontologist; palaeontology; palatine; palisade; palygorskite
abbr., oil Palaeocene; palaeogeography; palaeogeographic; palaeogeographer; Palaeozoic; paleontology; paleontological; paleontologist
pal. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. palaeogeographer; palaeogeographic; palaeogeography; paleontological; paleontologist; paleontology; Paleozoic
abbr., libr. paleography
Pal. abbr.
abbr. Palestine
abbr., earth.sc. Palaeocene
PAL [pæl] abbr.
abbr. phase alternate by line; Philippines Air Lines Inc.; Phillips assembler language; Pahlavi; Passive Activity Loss; Paid for Added Luxury (Interex); Partners At Learning; Personal Access List; Pale and Lifeless (Interex); Presence And Availability List; process assembler language
abbr., avia. programmable array logic (MichaelBurov); peripheral air-ground link; Planned and Active List
abbr., avia., Canada peripheral station
abbr., avia., med. psychoacoustical laboratory
abbr., chem. propyl alcohol; pyridoxal
abbr., comp., net. phase alternating line
abbr., cosmet. power-assisted lipoplasty (Oleksandr Spirin)
abbr., dentist. periodontal attachment level (MichaelBurov); probing attachment level (iwona)
abbr., earth.sc. Paleozoic formations; periadriatic line
abbr., ed. Peer Assistance And Leadership; Physically Active Lifestyle
abbr., el. programmable array logic (device); pedagogic algorithmic language; performance assessment logic; personal access link; phase alternation line by line; pick-and-place autoload system; Platform Architecture Laboratory; power alarm; precision artwork language; privileged architecture library; process assembly language; process automation language; programmable AND logic; project automated librarian; pulsed anodization luminescence
abbr., el., scient. Phase Alternate Line
abbr., file.ext. Palette file (Microsoft Draw, Win. Paintbrush Vosoni); Paradox Applications Language (Borland); Programmed Array Logic
abbr., fin. provisional allotment letter (AnnaB)
abbr., geogr. ___
abbr., insur. Particular average loss
abbr., IT Color palette; Phase Alternation Line; program assembly language; programmed application library
abbr., law Protect A Life
abbr., med. Panic Assistance League; personnel airlock (Mumma); paraaortic lymphadenectomy (Maryana_s); Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (Япония harser); progressive addition lenses (harser)
abbr., mil. Panoramic Annular Lens (Sniper detection/location device); Paradox Application Language; personnel allowance list; program assembler language
abbr., O&G, sakh. pressure alarm low
abbr., oil pipeline administrant liaison; profit and loss; pipe analysis log
abbr., phys. physical activity level
abbr., physiol. physical activity level
abbr., physiol., med. Power- Assisted Liposuction
abbr., post Parcel Air Lift mail service (military space available mail); Postal Advertising Label (New Zealand Post creates for private concerns, 2004); Postal Answer Line
abbr., radio PAL colour television system
abbr., scient. Present Atmospheric Level
abbr., scottish Portable Advanced Laser
abbr., space Pacific Aerospace Library; passive augmentation lens; products accepted list
abbr., sport. Police Athletic League
abbr., tech. pressure absolute local (Оливер Грейс)
abbr., telecom. phase alternation line system; programmable logic array
abbr., transp. Philippines Airlines
cinema A standard for tv/video display, dominant in Europe and Australia, which delivers 625 lines of resolution at 50 half-frames per second. See also NTSC and SECAM.
energ.ind., abbr. plant-wide applicability limits; prototype application loop
law, abbr. patent associated literature
mil., abbr. parts authorization list; penetration aids launcher; permissive action link; permissive arming link; personnel accounting level; personnel augmentation list; portable ambush light; prescribed action link; price and availability list; prisoner-at-large; problem action log; pulsed argon laser
tech., abbr. personnel airlock
.pal abbr.
file.ext. Palette (file name extension)
: 153 phrases in 24 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
British usage, not spelling1
Household appliances6
Mass media14
Quotes and aphorisms1