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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
OSC [²] nstresses
USA Управление специального советника по вопросам несправедливого отношения к иммигрантам при трудоустройстве (Samura88)
osc [²] n
el. генератор; гетеродин; осциллятор; вибратор; осциллограф (прибор для регистрации осциллограмм); осциллограмма
pharm. Избыточно сульфатированный хондроитинсульфат (сокр. от Over-Sulfated Chondroitin Sulphate webber)
OSCs n
telecom. центры OSC (oleg.vigodsky)
OSC [²] abbr.
O&G КОС (MichaelBurov); кремний-органическое соединение (MichaelBurov); ОСС (MichaelBurov); органическое соединение серы (MichaelBurov); сераорганическое соединение (MichaelBurov); сероорганическое соединение (MichaelBurov); органическое сернистое соединение (MichaelBurov); сернистое органическое соединение (MichaelBurov); кремнийорганическое соединение (MichaelBurov); Si-органическое соединение (MichaelBurov); органокремниевое соединение (MichaelBurov)
semicond. органические полупроводники (organic semiconductors Godzilla)
osc [²] abbr.
el. задающий генератор (передатчика); элементарный излучатель
 English thesaurus
OSC [²] abbr.
abbr., med. Outpatient Surgery Center (Ying)
abbr., tech. open/short check (Damirules)
OSCS abbr.
abbr., avia. out-of-sequence control system
abbr., oil oilfield service communication system
abbr., pharma. oversulfated chondroitin sulphate (V2010)
OSC [²] abbr.
abbr. Office of Space Communications; Office of the State Comptroller; Operator Services Center; one stop centre (gconnell); on scene commander; oscillator; oscillograph; oscillate; Oregon State College; Osaka Shildso Co., Ltd.
abbr., astronaut. Orbital Sciences Corporation
abbr., auto. output State check (Ford); optimum shift control; output state control
abbr., avia. Oscoda- Wurtsmith Airport, Oscoda, Michigan USA; Ontario Securities Commission; Operational Support Configuration; optimum start control; optional supply code; orbital science corp.; order status report; oxygen storage cylinder
abbr., BrE Overseas Staff College
abbr., chem. oxygen storage capacity (Izuminka2008)
abbr., comp., net. optical supervisory channel (Leviathan)
abbr., earth.sc. Ocean Service Center; oscillation
abbr., ecol. organosulfur compound (MichaelBurov); organosulphur compound (MichaelBurov)
abbr., econ. own ship's course
abbr., ed. Other Side Of Creativity
abbr., el. operating system class; operating system command; operating system control; operation switching cabinet; operator services complex; optical satellite communications; optical signal carrier; optical soliton communications; optical star coupler; optical storage capacity; optical switch core; outgoing sender connector
abbr., el., scient. Open Sound Control
abbr., electr.eng. out-of-step conditions
abbr., IT Ohio Supercomputer Center
abbr., law Office of State Controller
abbr., mil. Objective Supply Capability; Operation Support Center; offensive space control; on-site commander; Open Source Center (CIA); operational support command; operations support center; Ordnance Systems Command
abbr., mil., astronaut. office of satellite communications
abbr., nautic. on-scene commander
abbr., nautic., scient. Ocean Science Committee
abbr., O&G organic compound containing carbon silicon bonds C–Si (MichaelBurov); organic silicon compound (MichaelBurov); organic sulfur compound (MichaelBurov); organo-silicon compound (MichaelBurov); organosulphur (MichaelBurov); Si-organic compound (MichaelBurov); organosilicon compound (MichaelBurov); organic sulphur compound (MichaelBurov); organosulfur (MichaelBurov); sulphur organic compound (MichaelBurov); sulfur organic compound (MichaelBurov); organosilicon (MichaelBurov); silicon compound (MichaelBurov); Si organic compound (MichaelBurov); organic compound containing carbon silicon bonds C–Si (MichaelBurov); silicoorganic compound (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Operations Safety Case
abbr., O&G, sakh. on-site coordinator
abbr., oil International Oil Spill Conference & Exhibition; older sedimentary cover; on-scene coordinator
abbr., ophtalm. Ophthalmic Scribe Certification (сертифицированный регистратор в области офтальмологии, квалификация среднего медицинского персонала doc090)
abbr., org.name. Office of Strategy, Planning and Resources Management - Corporate Income
abbr., physiol., med. Objective Straight Chiropractic
abbr., police Office of the Surveillance Commissioners
abbr., relig. The Order Of Saint Clare
abbr., scottish Operational System Control; Orbital Sciences Corp. (USA)
abbr., space operation and support cost
abbr., sport. Ottawa Ski Club
abbr., tax. overseas service charge (Yuriy83)
abbr., tech. On scene Commander
abbr., UN operations support centre
energ.ind., abbr. operational support center
mil. operations sequence chart
mil., abbr. operational simulator console; organizational supply code
tech., abbr. on-board star catalog; operating support center; operational summary console; operational switching cabinet; operational system configuration; oscillating; oscilloscope; oscilloscopy
osc [²] abbr.
abbr. oscillations
Osc. abbr.
abbr. oscillating
abbr., earth.sc. oscillator
osc. abbr.
abbr., dril. oscilloscope
met. oscillation
: 16 phrases in 9 subjects
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