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ORR [ˌbɔɪd'ɔ:] nstresses
clin.trial. Ответ опухоли на лечение по результатам объективной оценки (objective response rate RTG)
med. ЧОО (objective response rate; частота объективного ответа MargeWebley)
O&G Анализ готовности эксплуатации (operational readiness review Burkitov Azamat)
oil частота замены неисправного оборудования (outage replacement rate)
transp. Управление железных дорог (Vadim Rouminsky)
Orr [ˌbɔɪd'ɔ:] n
math. Орр
 English thesaurus
ORR [ˌbɔɪd'ɔ:] abbr.
abbr. Office of Refugee Resettlement; Operational Readiness Review; Oak Ridge Reactor; Office of Research and Report; Office of Rubber Reserve
abbr., auto. octane requirement reduction; outlet valve rear right
abbr., avia. Yorketown, South Australia, Australia; operations readiness review; orbital readiness review
abbr., BrE Office of Rail Regulation (Anglophile)
abbr., chem., scient. Oxidation- Reduction Reaction
abbr., earth.sc. oak ridge research reactor; oil recovery rate
abbr., el. omnidirectional radio range
abbr., electr.eng. outage replacement rate
abbr., energ.ind. oxygen oxidation reaction (MichaelBurov)
abbr., immunol. Overall Response Rate (Земцова Н.)
abbr., inet. On-line Resource Room
abbr., med. Objective Response Rate (Земцова Н.)
abbr., media. Oriental Rug Review
abbr., mil., avia. omnidirectional radar range
abbr., oil overriding royalty (interest); overseas research reports
abbr., oncol. Overall Tumor Response Rate (Игорь_2006)
abbr., railw. Osage Railroad
abbr., stat. Odds ratio reduction (Игорь_2006)
abbr., transp. Office of the Rail Regulator (в Великобритании Vadim Rouminsky)
mil. operational readiness report; operational readiness review; operational ready rate; operations requirements review
tech. omnidirectional radiorange; optical ratio reflector; orbital rendezvous radar
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