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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
OP [ɔp] nstresses
med. амбулаторный пациент (сокр. от outpatient Jasmine_Hopeford)
op [ɔp] n
IT оператор; операция; знак операции; символ операции; задающее функционально законченное действие предложение языка программирования; специалист, осуществляющий оперативное управление и контроль за работой прибора (устройства или системы, например, компьютера); участок ДНК, регулирующий транскрипцию; телефонист; связист; управляющий; технический директор; оператор канала; привилегированный пользователь канала (в системе IRC)
mil., lingo радист (MichaelBurov)
OP [ɔp] abbr.
original poster
dril. оконтуривающая (outpost well; скважина)
Gruzovik, mil. наблюдательный пункт (observation post); наблюдательный пост (observation post)
inet., comp.sl. топикстартер (original poster; полное слово в русском в данном случае стилистически эквивалентно сокращению в английском: That's a common usage, but not OP's example. – ...не то, что в примере топикстартера. Glina); аскер (автор вопроса/темы на форуме; original poster denghu); ТС (топикстартер = original poster SirReal)
mech.eng. панель оператора (operator panel Alex Lilo)
med. оригинальная упаковка (применяется просто как единица счисления упаковок: препарата Баян); остеопороз (SvetPo); операционная (operating room – сокращение встречается в разделе "место смерти" в свидетельстве о смерти США Tiny Tony)
O&G оконтуривающий (о скважине; out-post)
oil нефтяной коллектор (oil pay); добытый сверх установленной нормы (overproduced)
tech. оператор-наблюдатель дрона (Observer Pilot Johnny Bravo); operating panel = пульт управления, щит управления (romcobomco)
op [ɔp] abbr.
gen. оп-арт; в стиле "оп"
abbr. часто Op от opus; детектив; оперативник; опус; сочинение; сыщик; в стиле оп-арта; действие
Makarov. предприятие (operation); процесс (operation); работа (operation); режим (operation; работы); управление (operation); функционирование (operation); цикл (operation; обработки); эксплуатация (operation)
math., Makarov. действие (operation)
slang телеграфист
tech. ДМ
ИOP abbr.
IT интеллектуальный процессор ввода-вывода
 English thesaurus
op [ɔp] n
mil., lingo operator (MichaelBurov)
OP [ɔp] abbr.
abbr. Office Products; Official Photographer; Official Publication; On Plan; Outside Partner; Obnoxious Preppie; Octave Plateau; Octo Pest; Off Privileges; Office of Preference; Office of Preparedness; Office Of Protector; Office of Protocol; OFFICEPOWER (office automation system, trademark of CCI); OFFICEPOWER office automation system, trademark of CCI; oil pump; oilproof; Open; operational programme (ВВладимир); open coat; operation plans; osmatic pressure; out of print (press); outside primary; Optimistic Protocols; Oracle9iAS Personalization (Oracle, DB); Orange Potatoes; Order of Preachers; Original Poster (DFUE-Slang, Usenet); Orthogonal Polynomials; Other Procurement; out-of-print; Outperform (Andrey250780); package; The Old Prison; Out of Print; open order
abbr., agric. ophthalmoplegia; organophosphorus
abbr., auto. option
abbr., avia. opalescent; opposite; outer perimeter; optical panoramic camera; operating program; opposite part; out production; out-put; outside production; overage part; overhaul process; ozalid print
abbr., avia., med. otolith pressure
abbr., biol. osmotic pressure
abbr., biotechn. oligonucleotide polymorphism
abbr., bot., scient. Open Pollinated
abbr., busin. Operation and management (shkhalakhov); old pattern; old prices; open cover; order people's money; original premium; overproof; overpaid
abbr., comp., IT Open Platform; Open Plug
abbr., comp.games. overpowered (Plasticine)
abbr., dentist. occlusal-palatal inlay (MichaelBurov); OP-onlay (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. opal; open pit; orbital parameters; ore pass; organic particulate phosphorus; organic phosphorus; organophosphates; orientation points; ortho-phosphate; orthopyroxene; osmotic potential; outwash plain; over proof; oxygenic photosynthesis
abbr., econ. open policy; old price; express paid
abbr., el. observation position; odd parity; office processor; one-photon (transition); operating point; operational; operational process; operation parameter; operation program; opinion; opposed; optical parameter; optical passband; optical phase; optical phonon; optical polarimeter; optical power; optical prism; optical property; optical pulse; optical pumping; optimal processing; order part; orthogonal polarization; output processor; oxygen passivation
abbr., electr.eng. oil-proof
abbr., file.ext. Optical
abbr., fin. operating profit (Метран); outward processing
abbr., food.ind. Orange Pekoe
abbr., health., med. On Program
abbr., inet. original poster (a person who starts a new thread to post their question on the Internet denghu)
abbr., IT Operator Panel; Outline Processor; Online Payment
abbr., Makarov. orbiter payload
abbr., med. Orthostatic Proteinuria; Osteoporosis; Other Peoples; Oscillating Plumbism (Medical note referring to a patient deemed to be 'swinging the lead'-meaning that the patient's sickness or injury is not genuine, he/she merely has an aversion to work. Interex); original package (препарата, товара; применяется просто как единица счисления упаковок Баян); OPtometry; occipitoposterior; opening pressure; operative procedure; optical equipment; organophosphate
abbr., media. Orthographic Projection; Out Of Print; Outstanding Performer
abbr., mil. Observation Post; Operating Plan; Operations; Opportunity Profile; Overall Position; output; operational publication (USN); ordnance publication; outpost op
abbr., mil., avia. observation plane
abbr., nautic. outport
abbr., O&G, sakh. operating pressure
abbr., O&G, tengiz. output value (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil oil pay; outpost (well); overproduced; oil payment; oil producer; on passage; operation post; optical pyrometer; original porosity; out of printing; outer panel; output phase; output plane; output point; output power; over pressure; over pull; overburden pressure; overriding problem; Ozark Plateau
abbr., oncol. Oncotic Pressure; Out-Patient
abbr., org.name. Olive Production Committee
abbr., pest.contr. oil dispersible powder; organophosphorus pesticide
abbr., physiol. Occlusal Plane; Open Palm; OPeration; Organising Pneumonia; OroPharyngeal; OroPharynx; OsteoPorosis
abbr., physiol., med. Occiput Posterior; Operation; Out Patient
abbr., police observation post (Taras); officer in patrol (Taras)
abbr., polygr. out of print (Captain-M)
abbr., polym. old-pattern
abbr., post Optional Procedure mailing system
abbr., qual.cont. order point
abbr., scottish Oil Pressure; Operator's Panel
abbr., securit. operating partnership
abbr., space operations preparation; optical positioner; orbit parameters; order production; organic polymer; organometallic polymer; oxygen purge; orbital period
abbr., sport. Open Position; open position; outside partner
abbr., tech. out-of-phase (bonly); operator panel
abbr., typogr. overprint
energ.ind. operating permit; operating procedures; operation phase; overpressure; oxidation pond
mil. observation plane; observation point; office of personnel; open point; operating plan; operating procedure; operation order; operation plan; operational performance; operational phase; operational plan; operational post; operational priority; operational procedure; operational project; ordnance pamphlet; ordnance personnel; outline plan; outpatient
mil., abbr. outpost
tech. object processor; operating room; optical probe; optimization process; out-post; output printer; oxygen pressure
op [ɔp] abbr.
abbr. operating; operation; operational; opposition
abbr., genet. opal mutation
abbr., med. opistocranion; other than psychotic
agric. optimus
comp.games. Overpowered (т.е. юнит, заклинание ит.д., имеющие повышенную эффективность за свою стоимость Fruupp5122)
mil., lingo operator (MichaelBurov)
O&G opaque
op. abbr.
abbr. opposite; optimal
abbr., tech. overproof
OP- abbr.
abbr. open
øP abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. ophitic
OP. abbr.
abbr., lat. Optimus ("excellent", "supremely good")
OP lever
: 260 phrases in 52 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
American usage, not spelling6
Automated equipment8
Data processing1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Gold mining2
Information technology9
Intelligence and security services1
Journalism terminology7
Mass media1
Oil / petroleum1
Optics branch of physics1
Public relations3
Public utilities7
SAP tech.2
Textile industry2
Weapons of mass destruction1