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oids nstresses
med., slang steroids стероиды
OID [ɔid] abbr.
comp., MS идентификатор объекта, OID (A number that identifies an object class or attribute. Object identifiers (OIDs) are organized into an industry-wide global hierarchy. An object identifier is represented as a dotted decimal string, such as, with each dot representing a new branch in the hierarchy. National/regional registration authorities issue root object identifiers to individuals or organizations, who manage the hierarchy below their root object identifier)
comp., net. идентификатор объекта
 English thesaurus
OID [ɔid] abbr.
abbr. Office for Individuals with Disabilities; Oklahoma Insurance Department
abbr., anim.husb. ovine interdigital dermatitis
abbr., comp., net. object identifier
abbr., EBRD original issue discount (raf)
abbr., ed., scient. Office of Instructional Development
abbr., el. optically induced diffusion
abbr., el., scient. Object IDentification
abbr., fin. original issue discount bond
abbr., immunol. optimal immunomodulatory dose (Игорь_2006)
abbr., IT Object IDentifier; Object Identifier; Object Interaction Diagram; Oracle Internet Directory
abbr., mil. operation order OPORD identification
abbr., physiol., med. Other Infant Death
abbr., progr. object ID (ssn); Originator ID (ssn); object identifier (идентификатор объекта ssn)
abbr., st.exch. Original Issue Discount
mil. order initiated distribution
OIDS abbr.
abbr., avia. Operational Information Display System
OID [ɔid] abbr.
abbr., avia. organizational innovation and deployment
abbr., earth.sc. Office of Isotopes Development
abbr., oil outline installation drawing
abbr., space optical incremental digitizer; optical inspection device
: 7 phrases in 3 subjects