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OCM abbr.stresses
mining. ОГР (открытые горные работы, открытая горная разработка; opencast mining; open-cast mining; open cut mining; open pit mining MichaelBurov)
O&G техническое обслуживание со снятием изделия с эксплуатации (out-of-service corrective maintenance); совещание комитета управления (MichaelBurov); совещание рабочего комитета (MichaelBurov); совещание комитета по эксплуатации (MichaelBurov); реакция окислительного сочетания метана (oxidative coupling of methane evene)
oil буровой раствор, загрязнённый нефтью (oil-cut mud); техническое обслуживание по состоянию (on-condition maintenance); техническое обслуживание со снятием с эксплуатации (out-of-service correction maintenance)
oil.proc. Окислительная Димеризация Этана Oxidative Coupling of Methane (Mus)
progr. модель взаимодействия объектов (см. object communication model ssn)
 English thesaurus
OCM abbr.
abbr. Onondaga-Cortland-Madison counties; Oracle Certified Master; Order Of Civil Merit; Outline Of Cultural Materials; oil content monitor; One Crazy Motherfucker; Operational Coordination Message; Ordnance Committee Meeting; Ordnance Committee Minutes
abbr., auto. occupant classification module
abbr., avia. oceanic clearance message; on-chip monitor; ongoing call management; optical counter measures; ortho conjugate mirror; out of control months; on condition maintenance; optimality criterion method; options control module; outflow valve control module
abbr., avia., med. optimal crew model
abbr., busin. out of service corrective maintenance
abbr., dril. oil cut mud (mud containing quantities of oil from subsurface formations); oil cut mud
abbr., earth.sc. ocean color-monitor; ocean colour-monitor
abbr., ed. Online Courses Magazine
abbr., ed., scient. On Campus Marketing
abbr., el. on-chip memory; one cycle multivibrator; optical coupling method; optimum channel memory; orthoconjugate mirror; outgoing call management; ohm-centimeter
abbr., gas.proc. oxidative coupling of methane (ixtra)
abbr., inet. Owner Content Management
abbr., IT Object Communication Model; Ole Control Message; Omis Compliant Monitoring; Online Call Management; Operating Computer Module; Organizational Change Management
abbr., Makarov. optimal control model
abbr., media. On Camera Meteorologist
abbr., mil. Oil Cleansing Method; Off-board Countermeasures
abbr., mus. Openness Clarity And Musicality
abbr., O&G Operating Committee Meeting (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil oil-cut mud; operating committee meetings; oscillator and clock module
abbr., opt. optical countermeasure
abbr., qual.cont. out-of-service corrective maintenance
abbr., relig. Ocean Chinese Mission; One Click Ministry
abbr., space ocean color monitor; orbit correction maneuver
abbr., tech. oil content meter
abbr., tradem. Old Cider Mill; Organization for Competitive Markets
abbr., urol. Online Clearance Monitoring (онлайн-мониторинг клиренса мочевины (при гемодиализе) Ying)
energ.ind. on-the-day commodity market
mil. offensive countermeasures; optical countermeasures
tech. ocean circulation model; on-condition maintenance; one-channel map
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Oil / petroleum1