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Ob [əub] nstresses
gen. Об (мужское имя); мужское имя Обадая; Обадия
bible.term. Авдий
geogr. р. Обь (СССР)
the Ob [əub] n
geogr. Обь (река в России)
OB [əub] abbr.
adv. внестудийное вещание
bank. или лучше (обозначение биржевого приказа, который должен быть выполнен по цене, указанной в приказе, или по более высокой цене; or better)
dentist. вертикальное перекрытие (MichaelBurov); вертикальное перекрытие передних зубов (MichaelBurov); вертикальное перекрытие верхними зубами (MichaelBurov); вертикальное перекрытие верхними резцами (MichaelBurov)
dipl. кожно-нарывного действия
dril. не доходя до забоя (off bottom); на расстоянии от забоя (off bottom; некотором)
geol. рудное тело (shesun)
math. ортогональный базис (orthogonal basis)
med. акушерство (obstetric aksolotle)
O&G выше забоя (off bottom)
progr. организационный блок (ПЛК Сименс Rossinka)
psychopathol. чувство отделения от собственного тела (сокр. от "out-of-body experience" Alex_Odeychuk)
ob [əub] abbr.
gen. наблюдение за погодой
math. измерение (observation); наблюдение (observation)
meteorol., prof.jarg., jarg. наблюдение за погодой (weather observation)
OB [əub] prep.
hotels без питания (only bed Karabas)
med. акушер (guiselle)
ob [əub] prep.
math. объект (object)
 English thesaurus
Ob [əub] abbr.
abbr., oil obsidian
Ob. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. observation
Obs. abbr.
abbr. observatory
abbr., earth.sc. observation
OB [əub] abbr.
abbr. Ohio-Brass; overseas broadcast
abbr., avia. object; objection
abbr., busin. official business; on board; on or before; order book
abbr., CNC organization block
abbr., commer. outward bound; overboard
abbr., earth.sc. operational block; orebody; overbank facies
abbr., econ. other budgetary
abbr., oil ocean bottom; off button; oil and bulk carrier; oil base; one-bearing; opening of book; Orinoco Belt; outer bottom; overbalance; oxidizing breaker; p, p, -oxybis (benzene sulphonyl hydrazine)
abbr., space onboard; orbital booster
abbr., sport. old boy
abbr., textile opening bank
interntl.trade., abbr. other budget
OB [əub] abbr.
abbr. Obstetrician; Ocean Beach; Oh Brian; Operating Budget; Operation Blessing; Organisational Behaviour; Organizational Behavior; Original Box; Object Bus; Obnoxious Because; obscure; Off Broadway; Oh Baby; Old Bastard; Old Boy; One Big; Open Bitch; Optical Bar; Orange Boy; Ordnance Board; Oriental Beer; Oriental Brewing; Ornery Brat; Other Babes; Our Beds; Outta Business; Organisational behaviour (Artjaazz); occlusion body; Overflow Bucket; Owl Bait; The Old Bitch
abbr., afr. Ossewa Brandwag
abbr., auto. outboard (translator911); overdrive brake
abbr., automat. outside blade
abbr., avia. On-Board (Interex); one bearing
abbr., chem., scient. Oligosaccharide Binding
abbr., comp., net. occupied bandwidth (key2russia)
abbr., dentist. overbite (MichaelBurov); vertical overbite (MichaelBurov); vertical overlap of the maxillary central incisors over the mandibular central incisors (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. oblique; optical breakdown; optical bus; out of band; output bus; outside broadcasting; overseas broadcasting
abbr., file.ext. Object cut/paste file (IBM LinkWay)
abbr., fin. opening balance (Aiman Sagatova)
abbr., food.ind. Orange Blotch
abbr., forestr. outside bark
abbr., inet. Old Buddy
abbr., insur. ordinary business (ordinary life business)
abbr., IT Option Button; Other Board; Output Block; output buffer
abbr., logist. ordinary box
abbr., Makarov. outside broadcast; oxygen balance
abbr., med. Obliterative Bronchiolitis; Occult Blood; obstetrics; objective benefit
abbr., media. Original Broadcast; Outside Broadcast
abbr., met. oxygen blowing
abbr., mil. Order of Battle; order of battle
abbr., mil., WMD open burning
abbr., nautic., scient. Outer Banks
abbr., oil off bottom (andrushin); overburden
abbr., physiol., med. Obese; OBstetrics
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Peru)
abbr., securit. or better (如果能得到更好的价格,经纪人就应执行更好价格指令)
abbr., sport. Offensive Bonus; Out Of Bounds
abbr., transp. Over Boost
insur. ordinary life business
insur., abbr. ordinary business
invest. or better
meteorol. observation; observe; observed
mil. observation balloon; observation battery; operating base; operational base; optical bistability; ordnance battalion
tech. observed bearing; octave band; optical black; outside broadcasting
ob [əub] abbr.
abbr. oboe; obsolete; obstetrician; obstetrics; obstruction; orbit
abbr., busin. obligation
ob. abbr.
abbr. oblique; oblong-shaped; oboe; died
abbr., commer. obligation
abbr., libr. obituary; oblong
abbr., med. obitual
abbr., med., lat. obit
lat. obiit (died Vosoni)
Ob [əub] prep.
lat. Obadiah
Ob. abbr.
abbr., el. obligatory
abbr., plast. minimum light transmission of plastics
lat. Obiit ("died")
Obn [əub] abbr.
abbr., qual.cont. observation
qual.cont. observation
øB abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. obsidian
: 95 phrases in 29 subjects
Clinical trial2
Food industry1
Mass media7
Oil / petroleum6
Professional jargon1
Weapons of mass destruction22