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neb [neb] nstresses
gen. рыльце; кончик (пера, карандаша и т. п.); нос или морда (животного); остриё (пера, карандаша); морда (животного); нос; рот
biol. морда
felin. нибелунг ((тж. nebby cat, от Nebelung cat) What is a Nebby cat? – Nebelung Cats are an affectionate breed who love to spend time next to their owners. Nebelung cats are a relatively new purebred line. Their name is associated with the German word "nebel" which means mist or fog. The cats have long blue and silver coats that give them a misty appearance.: Six weeks later, the DNA results for my neb are back, and he’s 6% Khao Manee??? Then 94% “Domestic Cat” which basically means “hell if we know” • How do you determine if your cat is a neb? – Spends more time upside down than right side up? Neb for sure. ))) 'More)
Makarov. морда (у животного)
Scotl. клюв (птицы)
scottish клюв
slang паяльник; бесцветная личность; вечный неудачник; зануда (Interex); пустое место; скучный человек (Interex)
textile носик; подбородок (платины вязальной машины); мысок
neb [neb] adj.
slang застенчивый; незадачливый; незаметный; жалкий
NEB [neb] abbr.
agric. негативный отрицательный энергетический баланс (молочное производство altaiangirl)
Gruzovik, econ. Национальное управление по предпринимательству Великобритания (National Enterprise Board)
 English thesaurus
Neb. abbr.
abbr. Nebraska Laws; Nebraska Reports
abbr., earth.sc. Nebraska
Neb [neb] abbr.
abbr. Nebraska
neb [neb] abbr.
abbr., med., lat. nebula
NEB [neb] abbr.
abbr. Nebraska; New Economic Bloc; National Enterprise Board; New English Bible
abbr., el. non-etchback scheme
abbr., oil National Energy Board
abbr., opt. noise equivalent bandwidth
abbr., physiol. Negative Energy Balance
abbr., scottish Nuclear Exoatmospheric Burst
abbr., st.exch. New England Business Services, Inc.
tech. nuclear energy board
NEBS abbr.
abbr. New Exporters To Border States
abbr., commun. Network Equipment Building Specification
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Equipment Building System
abbr., el. new equipment building standard
abbr., telecom. Network Equipment Building Standards (oVoD)
abbr., tradem. Network Equipment Building Systems
NEB [neb] abbr.
abbr., busin. nuclear, electronic, biological
abbr., earth.sc. National Electricity Board (Malaysia); National Environment Board (Thailand); North East Brazil; north equatorial belt
abbr., oil net environment benefit; Northeast Blanco unit
abbr., space nuclear exo-atmospheric burst
: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
Textile industry2