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National Dumastresses
gen. Государственная Дума (В федерации "state" обычно обозначает принадлежность к штату (субъекту федерации). Among these countries are the U.S.A. (House of Representatives, 1975) and Russia (National Duma, 1995), as well as Canada (2004) and the parliaments of EU members, such as Greece (1996), France (1998/2001), Sweden (2000), Italy (2000), and Poland. The tsarist regime managed to survive, but not before promising a parliament (the national Duma) and other concessions and enduring nearly two years of more or less continuous upheaval. In an effort to stop the activity of liberal factions, the constitution included most of their demands, including a ministerial government responsible to the tsar, and a national Duma (see Glossary)–a parliament to be elected on a broad, but not wholly equitable, franchise. Alexander Demidov)