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NSC abbr.stresses
automat. нсх (MashBash)
comp., net. коммутационный центр сети; Центр по защите сетей
cytol. нервная стволовая клетка (MichaelBurov)
electr.eng. шкаф со стороны нейтрали (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, mil. Центр поставок НАТО (NATO Supply Center); Совет национальной безопасности США (National Security Council)
law КНБ (Kazakhstan Eoghan Connolly); комитет национальной безопасности (Eoghan Connolly)
math. необходимое и достаточное условие (necessary and sufficient condition)
med. немелкоклеточный (non-small cell Shelly Webster)
mil. СНБ
mil., navy перспективный надводный боевой корабль (new surface combatant yevsey); корабль или катер Службы береговой охраны США (National Security Cutter iaa333)
NATO Комитет НАТО по вопросам безопасности (yevsey)
nucl.pow. Коды ядерной безопасности (Nuclear Safety Codes Millie); НБК (Новый безопасный конфайнмент; New Safe Confinement; ЧАЭС Deicide)
oncol. негативное самовосприятие (Negative Self-Concept ffynnon.garw)
 English thesaurus
NSC abbr.
abbr. National Securities Commission; National Security Caucus; National Security Community; National Shipping Corporation; National Savings Committee; National SemiConductor (Hersteller); NATO Science Committee; NATO Security Committee; NATO Steering Committee; NATO Subordinate Command; NATO Supply Center; NATO supply classification; Naval Space Command; Naval Supply Center; Navy Service Center; No Student Contact; Nouvelle Systeme de Cotation; Nuclear Safety Center; Nuclear Safety Class; Nuclear Safety Convention; National Semiconductor Corp.; National Starch and Chemical Corp.; neutral sulfite semi-chemical pulp; Nippon Steel Corp.
abbr., anim.husb. National Starch and Chemical Corporation; Nutrition Society of Canada; nonstructural carbohydrates; National Seed Company (China)
abbr., auto. National Sales Companies (Bobb); NOX storage catalyst system
abbr., avia. nil significant cloud; network service centre; network system corporation; notice of status change
abbr., biol. nonstructural carbon (Olya34)
abbr., biotechn. neural stem cells (Игорь_2006)
abbr., chem. Schmidt number
abbr., comp., net. Network Security Center; network switching center
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Systems Corporation
abbr., cytol. neuronal stem cell (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. National Science Council (Ireland); normal slip crenulation; Norwegian Space Center; Nuclear Science Center
abbr., ed., scient. Ntid Student Congress
abbr., el. network security controller; Network Services Conference; Network Systems Corp.; new service control facility; nodal switching center; node store controller; non-standard facilities command; numerical sequence code
abbr., electr.eng. neutral side cabinet (MichaelBurov); neutral-side cabinet (MichaelBurov)
abbr., fin. national savings certificate
abbr., IT Network Service Center
abbr., med. National Safety Council; National Skin Centre, Singapore; Neuroscience Center; Neurosecretory Cell; Neurosecretory Cells; Non-small Cell; Nonspecific Suppressor Cell; Normal Child With Short Stature; not service-connected
abbr., mil. National Security Council; National Simulations Center; Naval Supply Corps
abbr., mil., air.def. navigation and sensor computer; network structure of cycle
abbr., NATO NATO Shipping Centre (Nu Zdravstvuy)
abbr., nautic., scient. National Science Council; National Space Council
abbr., nucl.pow. New Shelter construction (a new casement over the Cernobyl's damaged reactor Val_Ships); New Safe Confinement (Val_Ships)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Nippon Steel Corporation; Norvegian continental shelf
abbr., oil necessary and sufficient condition; near surface completion; no significant counts; noise suppression control; non-standard cable; non-standard conductor; not suitable for coating
abbr., org.name. Nuclear Science Committee
abbr., physiol., med. No Significant Change; Non Structural Carbohydrate; Normal State Of Consciousness
abbr., post Network Distribution Center (USPS redesigned BMC 2009)
abbr., scottish NATO Supply Centre; Network Security Centre
abbr., space Norwegian Space Centre
abbr., sport. Nanaimo Skating Club; National Ski Council
abbr., st.exch. Norfolk Southern Corporation
abbr., tech. naval Supply Center
abbr., textile not in stock
abbr., tradem. National Silver Company; North State Communications
abbr., USA National US Security Council
energ.ind. non-safety class; nuclear science community
meteorol. no significant cloud
tech. necessary and sufficient conditions; net-section collapse; noise suppression circuit; nuclear safety concern
: 21 phrases in 5 subjects
Textile industry1