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NM nstresses
invest. не важно
nm n
avia. морская миля
IT миллиардная доля метра
mil. нанометр (нм; 1 нм = 10-9м)
Nm n
auto. ньютонометр
phys. Н·м (Post Scriptum)
textile метрический номер (пряжи: м/г Natalya Rovina)
nM n
med. нмоль (inspirado)
pharma. наномоль (нМ ochernen)
NMS abbr.
avia. навигационная система управления (Navigation management system Interex)
bank. система национального рынка (США; National Market System)
comp., net. система сетевого администрирования NetWare; станция управления сетью; система управления сетью
med. ЗНС (Elmitera); злокачественный нейролептический синдром (Elmitera)
pharm. злокачественный нейролептический синдром (Анна Ф); новая молекулярная субстанция (MichaelBurov)
NMS Network Management Station-станция управления сетью. abbr.
comp., net. Система, отвечающая за управление сетью (NMS работает с управляющими сетевыми агентами, размещающимися на управляемых узлах через протокол управления сетью; или её частью)
nMS abbr.
abbr. нативная масс-спектрометрия (Native mass spectrometry (nMS) has become an important tool in protein analysis due to its ability to retain non-covalent interactions during measurements, making it possible to obtain protein structural information with high sensitivity and at high speed. aguane)
 English thesaurus
NM abbr.
abbr. Nautical Miles; New Material; Nano Meters; Native Mode (PARISC, CM); Net Margin; No Monitor; Not Marked; no message; nonmagnetic; noise meter; nuclear magnetron; not meaningful (AnnaB)
abbr., adv. next matter
abbr., anim.husb. nutritional myopathy
abbr., auto. nominal
abbr., avia. navigation mode
abbr., biol. number of movements (ННатальЯ)
abbr., cartogr. national monument
abbr., chess.term. National Master
abbr., comp., net. network management
abbr., el. negative mass; network module; noise margin; noise modulation; Nomarski micrograph
abbr., electr.eng. nuclear material
abbr., geogr. New Mexico (сокр., штат США MichaelBurov)
abbr., inet. Never Married; New Messages
abbr., IT Normal Mode
abbr., law No More
abbr., Makarov. neomycin
abbr., math., scient. Nanometer
abbr., med. Nodular Melanoma; nonmotile; normethanephrine; nut moschata (nutmeg)
abbr., med.appl. Nuclear Medicine (DICOM Modalities Jenny1801)
abbr., mil., avia. magnetic north
abbr., mil., WMD dimethylpolysulfide
abbr., monk. Near Mint
abbr., O&G, sakh. nut male
abbr., OHS near miss incident
abbr., oil normal cubic meter; nuclear magnetism log
abbr., phys., scient. Non Magnetic
abbr., physiol. NeuroMuscular
abbr., physiol., med. Neuromuscular; Not Mentioned
abbr., polym. not marked
abbr., st.exch. Not Meaningful
abbr., tech. nautical miles
abbr., transp. Nautical Mile
energ.ind., abbr. neutron monitor
mil., abbr. Navy mines; naval medicine; near miss; notice to mariners; nuclear medicine; nuclear missile
tech., abbr. nitro methane; number metric for needle
nm abbr.
abbr. neuromuscular; nonmetallic
abbr., auto. nano meter
abbr., earth.sc. nanometre
abbr., mil. nautical mile
abbr., mil., air.def. nanometer 1 nm= 10-9m
biol. nanometer
mil. Nautical Mile (2,000 yards)
mil., WMD not measured
polym. not marked
Nm abbr.
abbr. newton meters; newton meter (MichaelBurov); newton-meter (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil Newton metre
lat. Numbers
NMASCP abbr.
abbr., med. Technologist In Nuclear Medicine Certified By The American Society Of Clinical Pathologists
NMS abbr.
abbr. National Market System; Newtown Middle School; Normal Market Size; Not Matt's Scripts; National Meteorological Service; Naval Medical Service; Network Management Station / System (Novell, Netware); Network Monitoring Station
abbr., anim.husb. nonfat milk solid; nonfat milk solids
abbr., auto. needle-motion sensor
abbr., avia. National Manager, Simulation; Noise Monitoring System; navigation management system; non mating surface
abbr., busin. non-magnetic steel
abbr., comp., net. NetWare Management System; network management station; network management system
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Management Station; Network Monitoring Service
abbr., comp.name. National Marine Services Co.
abbr., corp.gov. new master standard
abbr., dril. non-magnetic stabilizer
abbr., earth.sc. National Meteorological Services (Morocco); National Mine Service Co.; neutron-monitoring system; nitrogen measuring system; Norwegian Metallurgical Society
abbr., el. network management server; network management signal; network management software; network management subsystem; network management workstation; network media storage; normal mode selection
abbr., electr.eng. nonmetallic sheathed cable
abbr., IT Neopets Motherboard System; Network Management System
abbr., lab.eq. Normal Mouse Serum
abbr., med. National Mortalitly Survey; Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome; Neuro Muscular Stimulation; neuroleptic malignant syndrome; neuromuscular spindle
abbr., meteorol. The National Midnight Star
abbr., mil. National Military Strategy; New Medical Ship; Non-Metallic Seal; national military strategy
abbr., oil normal mode summation
abbr., oncol. Non-Melanoma Skin
abbr., pharm. new molecular substance (MichaelBurov)
abbr., physiol. Neuro-Muscular Stimulation; Neuro-MusculoSkeletal
abbr., physiol., med. Neuro Musculo Skeletal; Nuclear Male Sterility
abbr., psychiat. neuroleptic malignant syndrome (злокачественный нейролептический синдром Dimpassy)
abbr., scottish New Management Strategy; New Minehunting Sonar (UK Royal Navy)
abbr., telecom. Network Management System (MichaelBurov)
abbr., transp. National Maritime System
energ.ind. nondimensional margin of stability
tech. national measurement system; networked manufacturing system; neutral mass spectrometer; neutron monitoring system
Nms abbr.
abbr., avia. Newton-meter-second
nms abbr.
abbr. nuclear materials safeguards
: 56 phrases in 23 subjects
Aluminium industry1
Automated equipment1
Computer networks1
Electrical engineering1
Gas processing plants2
Laser medicine1
Oil and gas2
Oil processing plants5
Weapons of mass destruction2