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NCS nstresses
gen. Национальное управление по расследованию уголовных преступлений (National Crime Squad krolikova)
nC n
electr.eng. нанокулон (дольная единица измерения единица измерения электрического заряда (количества электричества) в Международной системе единиц (СИ), равная 10−9 Кл Natalya Rovina)
NCS abbr.
abbr. натуральная колеровочная система (Natural Colour System Karabas)
chem. тиоцианат (unrecyclable)
clin.trial. клинически незначимый (MichaelBurov); КНЗ (КНЗ – клинически незначительное (отклонение в результатах теста\осмотра) >> NCS (Not Clinically Significant). И, соответственно, КЗ >> CS (Клинически Значительное >> Clinically Significant) CopperKettle)
comp., net. система сетевых вычислений; система управления сетью
geol. норвежский континентальный шельф (MichaelBurov); НКШ (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, mil. национальная система связи (National Communications System); Система кодификации НАТО (NATO Codification System); Школа связи НАТО (NATO Communications School)
med. болезнь Моргеллонов (MichaelBurov); Моргеллонова болезнь (не рек. MichaelBurov); болезнь Маргелона (sic! MichaelBurov); болезнь Маргеллона (MichaelBurov)
nano НКС (неокарциностатин; Neocarzinostatin is a macromolecular chromoprotein Enediyne antibiotic with anti-tumoral activity secreted by Streptomyces macromomyceticus. YKV)
nucl.pow. ядерная безопасность, связанная с критичностью (Iryna_mudra)
tech. система естественных цветов (Лорина)
 English thesaurus
NC abbr.
abbr. No Concern; National coarse (thread); No Charge; no connection; no coil; Network Co-ordinator (FidoNet); non-conformities (eternalduck); Numerically Controlled (Александр Рыжов)
abbr., agric. New Crop
abbr., auto. neutral conductor
abbr., avia. navigation control display unit; negotiable change; nonconformance; non-conformance; nonconforming code (category element); nonrecurring costs; nonscheduled calibration; normal checklist; Northern Air Cargo Inc. (Cargo)
abbr., avia., med. noise criterion
abbr., BrE Northern Command
abbr., commun. "no -circuit"
abbr., comp. normality closed; numerical control, numeric control
abbr., comp., net. network control
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Computer
abbr., corp.gov. national consultant
abbr., ed. no credit (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., ed., scient. No Class
abbr., el. nitrocellulose (film); node center; Norton Commander; name code; national center; network center; network communications; network computing; network contention; network coordination; neurocomputer; neuron chip; newscutter; node computer; node concentrator; non-coherently catastrophic (codes); non-compatible; notebook computer; null character; numbering counter; numbering cycle; numerical computation
abbr., el., scient. Normally Closed
abbr., expl. nitro-cellulose
abbr., file.ext. Instructions for Numerical Control machine (CAMS); No Carry; Non-error- Checking Preprocessed GOC source code file (GEOS)
abbr., IT No Connection; Network coordinator
abbr., karate. non-cooperative
abbr., law No Clue
abbr., Makarov. network connect; neutralization capacitor; nonlinear capacitance; numeric control
abbr., med. Nasal Cannula; natural cell; neurological controls; non-cholinergic; not classified; Nurse Corps
abbr., media. No Comment
abbr., mil., air.def. navigation controller; network communication; noncontinuous
abbr., mil., avia. narrow coverage
abbr., mil., WMD Notice of corrective action
abbr., nano nanocrystal (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. normally closed
abbr., O&G, sakh. coarse thread
abbr., oil capillary number; no core; number connection
abbr., org.name. National Correspondent
abbr., pharma. Negative control (Отрицательный контроль Jane86)
abbr., physiol. No Change
abbr., physiol., med. No change
abbr., polit. New Caledonia
abbr., polym. no change
abbr., refrig. noise curve
abbr., scottish Chloropicrin, phosgene & stannic acid mixture (Chemical warfare agent); Narrow Coverage antenna
abbr., sec.sys. normal closed
abbr., sec.sys., IT No Check
abbr., semicond. nanocrystal
abbr., slang Nice Cock (грубо I. Havkin)
abbr., sport. Non Competitive
abbr., st.exch. Non Credit
abbr., tech. negative control
abbr., transp. Not Clear
energ.ind., abbr. natural circulation; natural-circulation; network code; nuclear cogeneration; nuclear community; nuclear complex
invest., abbr. no charge
meteorol., abbr. no comments
mil., abbr. naval cadet; naval chaplain; naval communication; naval correspondence; navigation computer; navigation console; network controller; normal charge; nose cone; not coded; nuclear capability
phys., abbr. Non-crystalline
physiol., abbr. Non-contributory
tech., abbr. neutron controller; no correction; noncondensing; noncoring; nuclear construction
telecom., abbr. Number of unallocated channels at node
TV, abbr. not connected
nC abbr.
abbr. nanocurie
abbr., med. nanocoulomb
Nc abbr.
abbr. cumulation oil influx
nc abbr.
abbr. noise criteria
abbr., el. nanocrystalline
.nc n
file.ext. New Caledonia (French)
NC N/C abbr.
abbr. numerical control
nc. abbr.
abbr., libr. "no correction"
.NC n
IT application/x-netcdf
NCS abbr.
abbr. National Cancer Summit; Net Common Stock; North Country School; National Communication System; National Cryptologic School; NATO codification system; NATO control of shipping; Network Computing System; NMIC Control Subsystem; Numerical Category Scaling; Numerical Control Society; Northwest Communications System
abbr., adv. Nielsen Coverage Service
abbr., auto. noise cancellation system
abbr., automat. numerical control station
abbr., avia. NAVCAN STAR; negotiation coordination sheet; net coordinating coordination station; non-controlled airspace; non-customer standard; numerical control system
abbr., BrE Nationality Checking Service (GOV.UK Aiduza)
abbr., clin.trial. non clinically significant (MichaelBurov); non-clinically significant (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net. NetWare Connect Services; Network Computer System; network control system; network communication server; network call signaling
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Connection Sharing; Number Of Concurrent Sessions
abbr., construct. Natural Colour System (svetlanushka)
abbr., dril. net confining stress (masizonenko)
abbr., earth.sc. nonconditional simulation; non-crystalline solid
abbr., ed. National Computer Systems
abbr., ed., scient. North Carolina State
abbr., el. naval communications system; NORAD computer system; network coordination station; NASI connection service; Netscape commerce server; Netscape communications server; Netware connection service; network configuration system; no checking signal; noise cancelled switch; Nordic Certification Service; Novell clustered server
abbr., el., scient. Network Communication Standard
abbr., geol. Norwegian continental shelf (MichaelBurov); Morgellons (MichaelBurov); Morgellons/NSC (MichaelBurov); fiber disease (MichaelBurov); skin crawling disease (MichaelBurov); skin-crawling disease (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Netscape Conference Call file; Not Connected Seconds; network communications server
abbr., law Non Consensual Sex
abbr., med. National Center For Stuttering; Nerve Conduction Studies; Nerve Conduction Study; Neurocritical Care Society; Neurocutaneous Syndrome; Nystagmus Compensation Syndrome; Neurocardiogenic syncope; Norwegian Counties Study; Nurse Call System; unexplained dermopathy (MichaelBurov); Margelons (sic! MichaelBurov); Margelons disease (sic! MichaelBurov); nerve conduction speed (ННатальЯ); neuro-cutaneous syndrome (USA MichaelBurov)
abbr., media. nomadic communications service
abbr., mil. Downsize Net Control Station; National Communications System; Net Control Station; Net Control System; Node Center Switch; National Clandestine Service; NATO Command Structure
abbr., mil., air.def. net cycle structure; naval communication system
abbr., nautic. Newcastle, South Africa
abbr., nucl.phys. Nuclotron Control System (iwona)
abbr., oil natural chronological scale; Netherlands continental shelf
abbr., physiol. neuronal calcium sensors (Игорь_2006)
abbr., physiol., med. Nerve conduction studies
abbr., police National Crime Squad
abbr., poultr. normal chicken serum (la_tramontana)
abbr., progr. noise control system (ssn)
abbr., scottish Naval Combat System; Naval Control of Shipping (UK); Network Control Station; Network Control Subsystem; Node Centre Switch
abbr., securit. non-callable securities
abbr., space noncontact sensor; nutation control system
abbr., st.exch. NCI Building Systems, Inc.
abbr., tech. natural colour system (Лорина); Non Contacting Position Sensor (Алвико)
abbr., textile national colour system
econ. net corporate saving (dimock)
mil. national communications station; national communications system; naval control of shipping; navigation and communications system; navigation control simulator; navigational computer set; net call sign; net control station; noncritical sensitive
tech. naval communications station; network communications system; nuclear criticality safety
NCS= abbr.
abbr., IT Network Computer Server
: 85 phrases in 13 subjects
Automated equipment4
Mass media2
Oil processing plants1