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NCM abbr.stresses
econ. средняя чистая маржа (MichaelBurov); средняя чистая денежная маржа (MichaelBurov); чистая денежная маржа (MichaelBurov)
foreig.aff. ССМ (Nordic council of ministers; Северный совет министров MichaelBurov)
st.exch. неклиринговый участник (сокр. от Non-Clearing Member Irina Kornelyuk)
tech. нм3 (Normal Cubic Meter OlCher)
Ncm abbr.
dent.impl. Нсм (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
NCM abbr.
abbr. National Corvette Museum; Nazarene Compassionate Ministries; Non Community Member; Navy Commendation Medal; No Cocksucker Maniacs; noncorrosive metal; код NCM (Код NCM (Nomenclatura Comum do Mercosul) служит для классификации позиций в соответствии с нормативными положениями Mercosul. Коды NCM указываются в большинстве официальных документов Бразилии, таких как Nota Fiscal. Dominator_Salvator); non-corrosive metal; normal cubic metre
abbr., auto. Navigation Control Module (translator911); NOx-control module; numerical controlling manufacturing
abbr., avia. nonconformance management (system); numerical control machine; numerical control media; numerical control milling; numerically control machine
abbr., busin. numerical controlled machine
abbr., comp., net. network configuration management; network control message
abbr., comp.name. Nippon Calculating Machine Company
abbr., earth.sc. Negev Ceramic Materials Ltd.; North China Microcontinent
abbr., econ. net cash margin (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. network configuration manager; network coordination message; Nippon Calculating Machine Co.; node control module; Nomarski contrast microscope; noncoherent coded modulation; non-concurrent mode; non-crossover mode; numerically controlled milling
abbr., electr.eng. neutral current-controlled mode
abbr., foreig.aff. Nordic Council of Ministers
abbr., IT Neural Control of Movement; Nokia Communicator Configuration message
abbr., med. Neurocalometer
abbr., mil. Non-Commissioned Member
abbr., nautic., scient. National Coastal Monitoring
abbr., oil normal cubic meter
abbr., relig. Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc.
abbr., securit. non-clearing member
abbr., space network control module
abbr., tradem. New California Media; Newcastle Coal Mining; Newcrest Mining Limited (Irina Kornelyuk)
energ.ind. non-conventional manner; nonconforming material
mil. noncrew member
Ncm abbr.
abbr. newton centimeter (MichaelBurov); newton-centimeter (MichaelBurov)
: 11 phrases in 4 subjects