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moniker ['menikə] nstresses
gen. кличка; прозвище (But that didn't stop Lorenzen, the former Kentucky star whose weight issues have been a hot topic since his college days, when he earned monikers like The Hefty Lefty and The Pillsbury Throwboy. • Early on he earned the moniker 'President of the Rich', and that has stuck.); название (Honda's CR-V moniker stands for Comfortable Recreational Vehicle); творческий псевдоним (Since 2016, Lajoie has released folk music under the moniker Wolfie's Just Fine.)
progr. моникер (в COM-технологиях – специальный COM-объект, который отыскивает в сети, создает, инициализирует экземпляр объекта и возвращает клиенту указатель на него ssn); псевдоним (ssn)
 English thesaurus
moniker ['menikə] n
comp., MS Moniker (A short name that locates a namespace, class, or instance in WMI); Moniker (The descriptive form, or explicit connecting points, of referring to the location of a link source)
: 20 phrases in 4 subjects