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MOM [mom] abbr.stresses
abbr. магистр медицинских наук (Master of Medicine Morning93); магистр медицины (Morning93)
hi.energ. схема вычитания импульса
mom [mom] n
gen. по сравнению с предыдущим месяцем (albukerque)
amer. мама (Wagriensis)
inf. молодая мать (Moms need lots of support during that time. ART Vancouver); мам (April May); мамочка (April May); мамуля (April May); мамаша (April May)
Mom [mom] n
slang мать
MOM [mom] abbr.
comp., net. промежуточное ПО, основанное на обмене сообщениями; промежуточное программное обеспечение, ориентированное на сообщения; промежуточное программное обеспечение, ориентированное на обработку сообщений (Alex_Odeychuk)
HR министерство труда (сокр. от "ministry of manpower" Alex_Odeychuk)
progr. управление производственным процессом (сокр. от manufacturing operations management ssn)
 English thesaurus
MoM [mom] abbr.
abbr. Minutes of Meeting (S. Manyakin); middle-of-the-market (as in "MoM sector" Val_Ships); month-over-month (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., busin. Month over month (semfromshire)
abbr., med. metal-on-metal
med. Multiples of the Median (harser)
MOM [mom] abbr.
abbr. Making One More; Man Of the Month; Master Of Multitasking; Ministry Of Magic; Minutes of Meeting; Model Of The Month; Monmouth Ocean Middlesex; Mothers On A Mission; Manager Of Messes; Mandatory Organizational Meeting; Manned Orbiting Mission; Matrix Oriented Multimedia; Mean Old Mother; Medicare Overcharge Measure; Mentor On The Move; Mentors On The Move; Message Orientated Middleware (IBM); Microkernel Object Model; Microkernel Object Module; Middle Of Mitten; Millennium Occupational Medicine; Ministry of General Machine Building (FSU); Mission Operations Manager; Money Or Market; More Of a Moron; Most Obnoxious Mother; Mothers Over Murderers; Motive Opportunity And Method; Mp Of The Moment; Museum Of Museums; Music Operations Manager
abbr., avia. wait a moment; maintenance organization manual; maximum operating mach; mission optimization management
abbr., comp., net. manager of managers; message-oriented middleware
abbr., drug.name Milk of Magnesia
abbr., el. macro observation module; magneto-optic memory; magneto-optic modulator; maintenance operation mode; manufacturing operation management; mean-of-maximum; merger overview model; message-oriented media; metal-oxide-metal (capacitor)
abbr., file.ext. Manufacturing Operations Management; My Online Manager
abbr., inet. Moments Of Madness
abbr., IT Microsoft Office Manager; Microsoft Operations Manager
abbr., med. Medical Opportunities In Michigan; Milk Of Magnesia
abbr., meteorol. Men Of Mystery
abbr., mil. Man On a Mission; Mission Of The Moment; "Missile On a Mountain" (missile seeker test site); Measure of Merit
abbr., mil., air.def. moment method
abbr., mil., avia. magneto-optical material
abbr., mus. Music For Our Mother
abbr., nautic., scient. Modular Ocean Model
abbr., physiol., med. Milk of magnesia
abbr., progr. message oriented middleware (ssn); message-oriented middleware (промежуточное программное обеспечение, ориентированное на обработку сообщений ssn); manufacturing operations management (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Message Oriented Middleware; Microsoft Operations Management
abbr., relig. Magog On The March
abbr., scottish Measures of Merit; Method Of Moments; Mission Oceanographique de la Mediterranee (France); Multirole OTO Munition (Italy)
abbr., sport. Man Of The Match
abbr., st.exch. Middle Of Market
meteorol. middle of the month
mil. military official mail; military ordinary mail; military overseas mail; modified operational missile
tech. metal-oxide-metal
mom [mom] n
gen. momma
abbr. momentary; month on month (Markbusiness); milk of magnesia
abbr., earth.sc. momme
mom. abbr.
abbr. moment
MOM/ abbr.
abbr., med. Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines
MOM [mom] abbr.
abbr. managers of managers
abbr., avia. Middle of the Market airliner (a new project by Boeing to fill the gap between 737 and 787 Val_Ships); methanol oxygen mix
abbr., busin. moment
abbr., comp. mass optical storage
abbr., earth.sc. macro-organic matter concentration; matrix-operator-method; method of ordinary moments; multi-option model
abbr., energ.distr. manual operating mechanism (Alexander Boyko)
abbr., oil methoxyl methyl
abbr., space management object model; manned orbiting module; Mars orbital module; mass optical memory; methanol/oxygen mix; modified operation missile
: 103 phrases in 32 subjects
American usage, not spelling6
Chat and Internet slang1
Cultural studies3
High energy physics1
Mass media1
Quotes and aphorisms1